If this becomes my problem I become your problem.

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"The secret of getting things done is to act."  - Dante Alegheri


Chapter 19

"Fiore, this is a surprise."

"How is my favorite pianist?"

"Favorite pianist? Now I know you want something." Chad smiled as he pulled Fiore in for a hug.

"Come now, Chaddy, I don't always want something."

"But you do right now,"

"I do right now," Fiore laughed.

"Well, come in. You have great timing."

"I always do. How's Katie?" Fiore grinned as Chad ushered Fiore into his office.

"How did you know I was here today?" Chad asked.  He'd always been curious about how Fiore always knew everything that was going on, to the smallest detail.

"Because Chad, I just know everything." Fiore dodged.

Chad laughed at that and when he'd caught his breath he took a seat and clasped his hands. "So, you came here for a reason."

"I did." Fiore pulled out the piece of music. "I want to hear this."

Chad looked it over. "I don't recognize this, who's the composer?"

Fiore shrugged. "I have my suspicions."

"But you aren't going to share them. At least not with me," Chad chuckled. "Oh I remember this song and dance."

"Please don't." Fiore asked. "Please just play this for me."

Chad's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Well, alright then." Chad led Fiore to the lobby and the grand piano in the right corner. Chad played through the piece and it was dark but beautiful. "Well, you've done it again." Chad sighed as he closed the keylid. When he noticed tears in Fiore's eyes he stopped teasing. "What is it?"

Fiore shook her head and dabbed at her eyes. "That was just a beautiful song."

"It's a piece, not a song."


"Songs have words, a piece is just music." Chad mused.

"Hmm, something I didn't know." Fiore grinned. "Come, let's discuss this in your office."

"Well, I don't recognize this piece. But I can tell you the person who wrote this really cared about the person they wrote it for. That's a lot of emotion. It even moved you to tears."

"Of course it did. I do have a heart somewhere underneath the title of attack dog." Fiore teased.

"Who wrote it?"

"I can't tell you."

"Well whoever they are, they're hurting."

"Thank you Chad. Oh, are you and Katie coming down for the next party?"

"The one next month in Italy?"


"I won't be able to make it, but Katie might."

"Sounds good. I might feel a need to pull everyone together soon. I'll expect you and your lovely wife if I do."

Chad smiled. "We'll do our best."

"Thanks Chaddy," Fiore gave Chad a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. "You're a doll, really," Fiore winked as she made her exit.

She had the same uneasy tightness in her chest after leaving Chad that she felt nearly anytime they were alone together. Fiore steeled her resolve as she made her way out to her waiting car. Kenneth really had impeccable timing.

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