You'll owe me forever.

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Fiore's home in Tortola. Nice, secluded on the highest point. I based her home off of the Rhumb House in Tortola in the British Virgin Islands.

"I haven't had an easy life, but at some point, you have to take responsibility for yourself and shape who it is that you want to be.  I have no time for moaners.  I like to chase my dreams and surround myself with other people who are chasing their dreams too." - Aimee Mullins


Chapter 39

Chuck was shocked into silence.  Her words echoed in his head.  Because you're chasing me. Was she really holding his pursuit of her against him? Was she undervaluing herself? Or was she saying he didn't deserve her?

Chuck stared at Fiore for a long moment, choosing his next words carefully. He knew his next sentence would either bury him or buy him a few more inches with Fiore. "Fiore, regardless of your opinions of my personal taste, you cannot deny the value I bring to the table. I am not suggesting you can trust me to be wholesome and what to society calls moral. We both know I'm neither of those things. But you do know I'm good at what I choose to do. You are worth it to me. I want you alive and I want you whole. Life would be far too dull without you in it to bicker with and chase."

Fiore pursed her lips. She knew she'd fallen short on her duties and her divided focus was keeping her from accomplishing much. "When you want to come and go it goes through Kenneth. He will determine if it's safe for me. Deal?"

Chuck nodded. "I can work with that. I can keep them safe. I will do that for you."

"Why? I still don't understand."

"You'll owe me forever. That certainly helps." Chuck teased. "Fiore, we can discuss this at length when you feel up to it.  At the moment, you look exhausted."

Fiore nodded. She was and the facade was draining.

"Rest. We can continue this when you wake." Chuck gently ordered.

Fiore nodded. "Kenneth!" Fiore called. "What do I need before I fall back to sleep?"

Kenneth glanced at what she'd eaten and saw little difference. "I'll have them give you your next round of antibiotics."

"Where do I stand on my chemo regiment?"

"You're behind. Your immune system couldn't handle it and whatever Nicholas gave you. Until you've recovered from that, you're off chemo. Doctor's orders."

Fiore nodded. "It was that bad?"

Kenneth gave her the 'you're kidding me right' look and Fiore nodded. "But don't worry. You're not dying on my watch."

Fiore gave him a small smile. "Thank you, Kenneth."

"You want him here?" Kenneth asked inclining his head in Chuck's direction.

"He's fine for now."

"Alright, holler if you need me." Kenneth left Chuck with Fiore.

"Sleep." Chuck ordered. "You need it."

"Where have you been sleeping?"

"This chair."

"How well are you?"

"I'm not sick."

"If you'd like to, you can stay here." Fiore offered before she gave Chuck her back and curled in on herself. It wasn't but a few moments before the bed sagged under Chuck's weight.

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