2: Kim Taehyung- a Man worth Billions.

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"Originally, I thought that this trash Sooho was a rare gem in the financial circle. The stereotype that there are many scumbags in the financial circle does not apply to him. Now it seems that it is true, he really turned out to be a scumbag."

Jennie yelled angrily and cursed him.

Jennie and Jisoo have known each other since elementary school. Although they didn't go to the same middle school, they went to the same high school and university. Even their parents were very familiar with each other.

Basically, their relationship is that of closest sisters.

Originally, Jennie was too lazy to watch couples displaying their PDA everywhere, so she went home early to binge watch and relax.

However, After receiving a call from Jisoo, she rushed over without hesitation.

Jisoo sat opposite to her and listened to her scolding for half an hour.

Jennie was so exhausted about scolding that scum man and took a sip of wine: "This person is so good at pretending. Really, even I, a veteran actress, was fooled by him. When he chased you, he looked like that honest, disciplined man, Who would have thought he was this kind of person?!"

Really, even Jisoo was also surprised by him.

Although she and Sooho were university alumni, they were two years apart and did not know each other in college.

It wasn't until Oceanwide's financing project that Jisoo met him at work.
She initially had no special feelings for him and just regarded him as an ordinary collaborator.

But Sooho fell in love with Jisoo at a single glance. It was love at first sight.

At the beginning, Sooho didn't make it obvious, he just specially treated Jisoo well, subtly letting her know his motives.

It wasn't until he found out that Jisoo didn't respond at all to his hints that he expressed his feelings frankly.

Naturally, he was directly rejected by Jisoo.

She thought that since everyone was an adult, if she refused, he would just ignore and stop pestering her.

After all, society these days is so fast-paced, especially for a person like Sooho, who is in the financial industry and is so busy at work, who would have the patience to pursue someone like he did when he was a student.

But Sooho didn't give up.

He was really patient and pursued Jisoo for two years.

Finally, one night a year ago, Jisoo looked at Sooho, who was still waiting at the entrance of her company in the middle of the night, smoking to refresh himself. At that moment, her heart was touched.

She agreed to date him.

In just one year, who would have thought this man would change completely. Jisoo found it ridiculous.

Since you can't stop yourselves from stepping on two boats, why bother chasing so hard in the first place.

Seeing her lowering her head to drink, Jennie said angrily: "I say, why are you not angry at all?"

Jisoo said, "It's not that I'm not angry, I hear you scolding him, it is quite enjoyable. You have already said all that I wanted to say. "

Jennie majored in journalism. After graduation, she directly entered the financial media industry. However, Jisoo did not expect that her vocabulary for profanity would be so refreshing.

"Scold him? I wish I could beat him up now. Why didn't you rush up and give him a beating?" Jennie became more and more annoyed as she thought about it.

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