21: Jisoo's Kitchen, is it open only to me?

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All of the three dishes and one soup for dinner were prepared by Kim Ji-Yoo, with Jisoo helping him.

However, she carefully looked at the cooking procedure.

Her father was a little surprised and asked, "You usually don't want to learn how to cook, what's wrong with you today?"

"It's so tiring for you to cook all day long. Now that I've learned how to do it, I can help you," Jisoo said deliberately.

Kim Ji-Yoo was already pleased: "You are so busy at work, so forget it."

As a family of three, Ms. Kim reached retirement age two years ago. Although the school wanted to re-employ her, Ms. Kim felt that she had worked hard all her life and did not want to continue working.

Although her father had not retired yet, he is considered an old comrade in the unit.

And is not usually busy.

Therefore, it was only Jisoo, who worked in a startup company, worked so hard than either of them.

After dinner, Jisoo returned to her room.

After washing up, she lay on the bed and watched cooking videos.

As she watched, she sent a message to Taehyung: [Jisoo's Kitchen is officially open for business, sir, what would you like to eat?]

After a while, the phone vibrated.

V: [What's on the menu? ]

Jisoo's face immediately fell.

It was because she didn't have an idea what to cook, she had asked him.

Jisoo told the truth: [That's why I wanted to ask you, what do you want to eat?]

Jisoo: [Just think of this as giving me a heads up!]

V: [Heads up?]

Korean cuisine was extensive and profound. Jisoo just discovered that if she was cooking, so she had to take the initiative to ask him what he liked to eat.

After all, she was cooking for him.

So She wanted to ask clearly in advance so that she could practice those dishes.

Jisoo was really embarrassed.

Because this would make her seem insincere.

But the reality is that we can't expect someone who has just learned to walk to learn to run immediately.

V: [ Kimchi fried rice, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and Bibimbap.]

Jisoo took a look at his menu and couldn't help but be touched. They were indeed simple and easy home-cooked dishes.

So he really just wanted to eat these?

But she soon understood.

It is not the dish, it is home cooking!!

Jisoo: [I understand.]

Jisoo: [Excuse me, sir, when would you like to order the dishes? ]

V: [Tomorrow.]

Jisoo thought about tomorrow's schedule. Fortunately, she didn't have to work overtime.

If she works hard, she should be able to get off work on time at six o'clock.

Jisoo: [Okay, Jisoo's Kitchen welcomes you anytime. ]

When Taehyung stopped replying, Jisoo continued to search for videos about these recipes on the Internet.

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