3: it is I, Kim Jisoo, who is dumping you piece of trash!

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The bar was not that noisy, it was a Retro themed romantic bar.

On the centre stage, a woman wearing a suspender dress with long hair sang melodiously, and she spoke with a lingering and lazy voice.

Such a magical place, along with the atmosphere made people unable to help but indulge in it.

When Jimin heard the song the lady was singing, he said nostalgically: "I didn't expect to hear this French song "Elaine". Do you still remember the girl I talked about when I was in the international class? She really liked this song. At that time when we were together, we would listen to the MP3 together. "

He was lamenting about his lost youth while listening to the song.

Unexpectedly, the man opposite him didn't even care listening, he lowered his head and stared at his mobile phone.

"Is your phone really beautiful ah? You are off work now, you know. What does it mean to get off work? It means to rest and never deal with the company's messy matters."

Jimin felt that he had some workaholic attributes, but he didn't expect that when compared to Kim Taehyung, he was nothing.

When he said this, Taehyung raised his head and looked over with a nonchalant expression and said to save his dignity, "Are you talking about the girlfriend who dumped you and fell in love with someone else after knowing that you were only fifteen years old?"

A thin arrow was suddenly shot over and pierced into his chest.

Jimin reached out and covered his chest: "You don't have to mention my past grievances, do you?"

Compared with how comfortable he is with love today, Jimin, who was still in the international class back then, was obviously too immature.

Probably because after entering the international class, the management was not as strict as in the high school, and there were also many people studying in college around him.

At that time, he relied on his height and appearance to bluff people, and he actually found a girlfriend who was studying art in freshman year.

Good times didn't last long, after the other party found out that he was only fifteen years old, she dumped him without hesitation and began to fall in love with another art department senior at the same school.

"Bad woman, she said she wanted to be my Elaine for the rest of her life, but now that I think about it, I only feel silly," Jimin sighed with a smile.

The things he did when he was young were frivolous, but now that he mentions them, he only feels nostalgic and silly.

Taehyung raised his eyes and looked at him: "That's not what you said when you cried in the dormitory."

This was probably the only bad thing about old friends. All the accounts of his dark past were clearly noted.

Jimin felt that he couldn't just sit there and get humiliated, so he asked, "Come on, come on, tell me about your Eliane too."

"Who?" Taehyung asked calmly.

Jimin scoffed, "Don't pretend. You are the only one in our group who has gone to high school. There are many girls of the same age in the school. It's not like us. When we look up, we are surrounded by seniors. They all think that we are children."

They were classmates in the same international class. They were all thirteen or fourteen years old when they entered college and had basically never attended high school.

After Kim Taehyung dropped out of international class, he became the only one in their class to attend high school.

"Then let's put it another way, your white moonlight? You first love?" Jimin looked at him and sighed.

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