4: Why are your feet unstable all the time?

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In the midsummer afternoon, the sun was still hot. However, when Jisoo came out of the hotel lobby, her whole body was freezing cold. She didn't know if it was because of the air-conditioning or because of being too excited.

The disgust in her heart did not dissipate until she returned to the company.
Fortunately, there was too much work, after coming back, she simply devoted herself to work and numbed herself until she got off work at around nine o'clock in the evening.

When she walked out of the company door, she saw that the surrounding high-rise buildings were still shining with countless lights. The lights were like daylight, shone on the smooth glass exterior walls of the buildings, like layers of waves, sparkling in the night. This scene was bright and dazzling.

The city at this moment felt strange to Jisoo for no reason.

After arriving home, her parents were still watching TV in the living room.

"You guys haven't gone to bed yet?" Jisoo looked at her parents sitting on the sofa while changing her shoes.

When Kim Ji-Yoo saw his daughter coming back, he immediately asked: "Have you had dinner?"

She hadn't really eaten; she was full before and didn't feel hungry. Now that the energy has been used up, she felt tired and hungry. Jisoo didn't ask her father to help, she simply heated some porridge herself, brought it to the table and drank it.

The drama airing on the TV in the living room was lively. Amidst the heartbreaking voice of the heroine, Jisoo wolfed down the last mouthful of porridge and leaned back on the chair.

The fatigue of the whole day finally dissipated after she was full. Before she could even rest her breath, two "tsk tsk" sounds came from the other side of the sofa.

Ms. Kim held her cell phone and suddenly sighed: "What's going on this year? There are so many weddings. This month alone I received two wedding invitations. I didn't expect Teacher Zhang to be a mother-in-law so soon."

"Speaking of which, Teacher Zhang is younger than me..."

Damn it!

Jisoo suddenly stood up from the chair, picked up the dishes, and hid herself in the kitchen.

Seeing her hiding in the kitchen, Ms. Kim complained to Kim Ji-Yoo: "Look at your daughter, she will be thirty soon. She is really not in a hurry, and with the job that she has, she doesn't even earn much money, but wakes up earlier than a chicken and goes to bed later than a dog every day. If she had listened to me, being a teacher would not be easier than it is now. With such a busy schedule, how can you have time to date Sooho?"

As soon as she heard Sooho's name, her stomach, which had just been soothed, instantly started to churn.

But she couldn't say anything yet.

Jisoo's self-esteem had been strong since she was young. What's more, she had never been this emotionally frustrated. She always had boys pursuing her everywhere she went. Who would have thought that she would be stabbed in the back by Sooho!

"I'm going to take a shower," Jisoo really didn't want to hear anything related to Sooho anymore. She came out of the kitchen and went directly to her room.

"Sooho hasn't been here for two weeks. Do you think there's any scope for the two of them?" Ms. Kim looked at her husband uneasily.

Sooho really knew how to be a good person, he would come to Jisoo's house to mooch of meals when he had nothing to do. Ms. Kim was very satisfied with him. He had long been regarded as a prospective son-in-law.

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