46: Can I get my reward now?

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Jisoo left the café and looked down at her clothes.

She was wearing a blue coat today. When she was inside just now, she just opened the coat but didn't take it off, and ended up getting coffee stains all over her body.

It was getting dark outside. In winter, night always came especially early.

There were an endless stream of cars, and the red taillights formed a long winding red river. If one looked down from a high altitude, it must be spectacular.

Jisoo called a cab and went straight home without planning to go back to the company.

As soon as she got in the car, the driver looked at the stains on her overcoat and exclaimed, "Girl, what's wrong with your clothes?"

"Coffee," Jisoo smiled.

The driver sighed twice and said with pity for her, "How could you be so careless? It's hard to wash these stains now."

Jisoo said, "Someone else splashed it."

"Who is this senseless person who threw coffee on your clothes? Did you ask him for compensation? It's impossible to clean all that. That person must pay for it."

Jisoo chuckled and said calmly, "I guess he can't afford the compensation."

After all, Yang has been detained at this moment and is probably about to be interrogated.

The driver heard this and said: "This person has no manners. Stay away from him in the future."

Jisoo was amused by this, "Well, you are right."

On the way, Jisoo sent a message to tell Yeri that she would not be returning to the company later and asked everyone else to leave work early as well.

She also called Lisa.

Lisa seemed to have been waiting. As soon as the call was connected, she asked anxiously, "How was it?"

"The person has been taken away, and someone may come to question Sorn later. Just ask her to tell the truth. After all, she didn't touch the money," Jisoo said calmly.

Lisa nodded, "Okay."

However, she soon asked again: "What about Jinyoung?"

"I'll talk to senior tomorrow. At least we have to wait for Wen Si and get the authorization letter first."

Lisa: "Wen Si, is she really going to do this?"

"She has two children. She is a strong mother. She will think it over carefully."

While she was on the phone, the driver stole another glance in the rearview mirror, but this time he was smart enough not to interrupt.

When she got home, Jisoo took off her coat and threw it on the ground.

She'll find a bag and discard it away later.

Her coat was originally light blue, and no matter how she treated it, the coffee stain would leave a mark.

She went straight into the bathroom in her room and gave herself a thorough shower. She even washed her hair twice before she stopped.

The strong smell of coffee that could be smelled all over her body finally disappeared.

Since childhood, Jisoo has been praised for her quiet and gentle personality.

She basically never had an argument with anyone, let alone something like this, where she got coffee poured all over.

She came out of the shower, and while drying her hair, she found a bag in the room and prepared to throw away the sweater and pants she took off.

She had just put the other dirty clothes in the bag, opened the door, and was about to get the coat from the living room.

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