49: Marriage first, love later.

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Because of the long silence, the voice-controlled lights in the corridor had long been turned off and the noisy sounds coming from outside could still be heard, including the crying of children, the roar of adults, and the impatient honking of cars.

With the world in shimmering chaos, no matter how you look at it, it's not a suitable place to express your feelings.

Jisoo raised her head and looked at him in the dim light. Taehyung stood there, his eyes bright as if they were stained with time, clear and clean, with the sincerity that only a young man could have.

Adults are cautious when doing things. Even if they like someone, they will always test it first and will not say it directly.

But tonight, Taehyung seemed to have thrown away all the burdens and concerns that an adult should have, and he striked Jisoo's heart with all his unprecedented sincerity and passion.

Just like a volcano of molten lava, it suddenly erupted, and all the joy and happiness burst out at this moment.

She knew that he probably liked her, otherwise, there wouldn't be like this all the while.

But knowing deep down is one thing.

Being confessed to in person is another matter entirely.

It turns out this is how being liked and being confessed to feels.

It's such a wonderful thing.

Jisoo felt dizzy, but she stared at him without blinking. She knew she should say something to respond to him, but no matter what she wanted to say, it seemed that she couldn't express one ten-thousandth of her current emotions.

The looks the two people gave each other seemed to have turned into entities and intertwined into threads, but no one spoke to break the silence.

Until Taehyung, it seemed like he hadn't heard her response for a long time, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously pursed slightly.

This subtle movement was like a small stone thrown into a lake, causing ripples to appear on the originally mirror-smooth surface of the water, which gradually spread to the surroundings and finally caused huge waves.

Jisoo sighed softly in the midst of the shock in her heart, "I seem to be a step late."

A step late?

These words... Taehyung turned them over in his mind, but still didn't understand what they meant.

Jisoo looked at his expression and knew that he didn't understand what she meant, so she moved closer, their bodies almost touching each other, the hot and rapid heartbeats were endless, Jisoo tiptoed slightly and said, "Didn't you notice?"


Taehyung wanted to ask, but didn't.

Because Jisoo raised her eyes, suddenly reached out, grabbed his hand, and placed it directly against her chest.

"Faster?" Jisoo stared at him. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest. Without waiting for Taehyung to speak, she whispered, "More than 100."

The normal human heart rate was between 60 and 100, and the heartbeat only accelerates when adrenaline surges.

A thin breeze blew through the doorstep, feeling damp and cold, but the air around them seemed to be infected by the temperature of their bodies and gradually warmed up.

"Taehyung, my heart beats faster because of you."

Taehyung, who had been staring at her closely, gradually curved the corners of his lips at this sentence.

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