37: Am I a bad woman?

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During the day, the hospital was noisy and busy, with people rushing back and forth in the corridors. Occasionally, medical staff would push sick patient’s past, always attracting the attention of everyone around them.

When Taehyung found Jisoo, she was sitting in the corridor of the hospital.

Trembling all over.

Especially her hands, which were shaking uncontrollably.

The cell phone was placed on her lap. No wonder Taehyung felt that her voice was so soft in the car just now.

"Jisoo," Taehyung squatted on one knee and whispered her name.

It seemed as if he was afraid that if the volume was too loud, it would startle her.

When Jisoo heard her name, she raised her head out of habit, but her pair of black eyes, which were always calm and gentle, were now blank, until her eyes slowly refocused and her gaze seemed to fall on Taehyung's face again.

"Taehyung," Jisoo's eyes were filled with fear and trepidation the moment she saw him.

She grabbed Taehyung's hand and cried, "I watched as Jinyoung fell straight down in front of me. He was still talking to me just a minute ago. But he fell down right away, not even breathing."

Jisoo was completely frightened.

With tears in her eyes, she said self-reproachfully, "I clearly saw that he looked so bad, I should have paid more attention. But in the end, I didn't notice anything."

Taehyung grabbed her hand and held it tightly, "It's okay, it will be okay. Didn't you find out that he fainted right away? It was you who bought him the chance to be rescued immediately."

Jisoo gasped.

It was as if something was blocking her chest, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"Jisoo, don't be afraid," Taehyung stood up and sat beside her, placing his palm on her back, stroking it down little by little. His gentle palm seemed to pass through her spine, pulling her nervousness and fear out of her body little by little.

Seeing her slowly calm down, Taehyung dared to hold her gently in his arms. He put his thin lips on her hair and whispered, "Don't blame yourself. You have done very well. It is not your fault that this happened."

Jisoo's body trembling seemed to be slowly under control.

But at this moment, her tears which she held back for a long while fell down.

One by one, they fell on his neck.

The slightly warm tears were as hot as lava at this moment, seeming to burn through his skin.

Taehyung could understand her fear.

A living person who was still talking to her a minute ago suddenly fell down in front of her, and his breathing and heartbeat stopped in an instant.

For those who have never faced death, this moment was more terrifying than anything else.

After a while, Jisoo's mood seemed to gradually calm down.

She then whispered, "I'm sorry, I scared you when I called you."

"Jisoo," Taehyung let go of her, lowered his shoulders slightly, looked straight at her with his dark eyes, and said in an unquestionable tone,"You know what? When you called me, I was worried at first. But in the end, I was happier."

Jisoo looked at him blankly.

Taehyung stared at her and said word by word, "Because now in your heart, I am someone you can rely on."

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