40: You should be called Jisoo, Oceanwide Chief Architect Kim Jisoo.

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There was a complete silence in the room for dozen of seconds.

Although Mr. Lee seemed to be in a high position, no one could smooth things over for him with Kim Taehyung when faced with his words.

Finally, he couldn't help himself and smiled awkwardly, "Mr. Kim, you are kidding me."

Drink a bottle of white wine.

Not to mention that Mr. Lee was almost fifty years old, even a young and strong man might not be able to bear it.

The other people at the table looked at Taehyung's expression.

There were people who laughed and agreed with Mr. Mr. Lee, saying, "Yes, Mr. Kim is really good at joking."

But everyone at the table was smart, and soon someone figured it out.

Why do these words sound so familiar?

Thinking about it more carefully, it seemed that General Manager Mr. Lee had just said this to Ms. Jisoo from Oceanwide .

But everyone was just watching happily.

Now people were secretly looking at Taehyung and Jisoo.

After all, Taehyung suddenly appeared here, seemingly to find Jimin, but this time he spoke, it was obvious that he was looking for trouble with Mr. Lee, which really made people think too much.

Although the two of them were sitting next to each other, there was still some distance between them.

And they hadn't said a word to each othet until now.

It doesn't look like they are related.

Just when the people at the table who claimed to be smart were at a loss for words, Taehyung knocked the wine glass he was spinning in his hand against the glass top of the round table. The crisp sound rang in everyone's ears.

Taehyung looked around at everyone, a smile appeared on his lips, and he said calmly, "Indeed, it was just a joke."

The originally suffocating atmosphere in the room suddenly became much more relaxed.

Smiles appeared on everyone's face, and they wanted to continue the previous peaceful and harmonious state.

"After all, I wouldn't do something as thoughtless and inconsiderate as forcing someone to drink," Taehyung said in a very slow and leisurely tone, but with an invisible sense of oppression, "I think everyone here is a person of status and quality, and they will definitely not do such a thing either."

Jisoo forced herself to purse her lips tightly.

Because if she didn't do this, she was afraid that she would laugh out loud.

For the first time, she discovered that Taehyung could do things like making indirect accusations so easily.

Moreover, cursing without using any dirty words can also be so satisfying.

Everyone laughed awkwardly.

They originally thought this was the end, but they never expected that this was just the beginning.

Taehyung rested his left elbow from the armrest of the chair, with his fingers supporting his cheek, just like the posture he usually took when he was in a company meeting.

With a half-smile on his face, he said softly, "After all, a civilized drinking culture is advocated now. You are all the heads of large companies, and you should definitely set an example. After all, the lessons learned from the past are always a warning. For example, around 2017, Google fired 48 employees, including some high-level managers."

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