34: The girl he loved in high school.

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It was a lonely winter night, with heavy rain pouring down. The sky was covered with dark clouds, as if it was covered in a thick black curtain. Not even a trace of stars could be found.

But inside the car is a little too quiet.

Jisoo suddenly saw from the corner of her eye that Taehyung was holding the steering wheel, his hand joints almost white.

He held it too tightly, and the bones of his fingers protruded badly.

At this moment, Jisoo realized that she seemed to have asked something she shouldn't have asked.

Coming to think of it, it makes sense.

If you ask him about his ex-girlfriends, she probably doesn't know any of them. Even if she did hear about them, they would just be unfamiliar names. She doesn't even know their faces, so she can't match them up at all.

It won't affect him or herself.

But things in high school are different.

If there is a girl he really likes, Jisoo will inevitably recall things related to that girl.

Besides, they still have a group chat of high school classmates.

A while ago, someone suggested that all go back to school and get together to celebrate the high school's centenary this year.

Jisoo couldn't help but be curious and want to know more.

But when Taehyung looked at her with a complicated expression and slowly met her eyes, Jisoo suddenly stopped her thoughts and said, "Forget it, you don't have to tell me. It's all in the past anyway, let's forget it and move forward."

Yes, move forward.

"Forget the unpleasant past and embrace a new life," Jisoo took a deep breath, as if she was talking to herself.

But when she finished speaking, she didn't notice it.

Taehyung lowered his eyelids, slowly covering up the light that had just risen in his eyes.

In fact, he wanted her to know.

The girl he loved in high school.


At the Jung Automobile Factory, more than a dozen engineers worked for a week.

The first batch of vehicles equipped with the Oceanwide automatic parking system was a smart electric car E3 that was about to be launched on the market, and it had finally been assembled in the workshop.

This was also the first step for Jung Automobiles to transform from a traditional car manufacturer to an emerging smart car manufacturer.

Of course, the biggest selling point of this E3 was that it is said to be the most advanced ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) on the market.

Jisoo had been going to the company less often recently and spent almost every day here.

Although their parking system was just one of the software systems of this smart car.

But if they want to succeed, they have to rely on their automatic parking system.

Because Jung Automobile was ready to participate in next year's Smart Car Challenge, which was a national event held for mass-produced smart cars on the market and cars that are about to be mass-produced.

Last year, two cars equipped with JianHe won the championship.

This is also one of the reasons why JianHe financing price this year was once again valued at a sky-high price.

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