23: Kim Jisoo is my wife.

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In the next few days, Jisoo felt an emotion called regret.

Because Jennie kept saying that her interview outline was difficult to prepare and she had too many questions to ask. Or she kept whining that she was afraid she couldn't write the article well.

Jisoo was so annoyed that she finally said to her directly, "Why don't we cut ties for the time being and we can make peace after you finish the interview."

"No, how can you not be with me at a time like this? Come and work overtime with me on the weekend."

Jennie made this unreasonable request.

Jisoo refused without thinking, "I'm busy."

"Do you have to work overtime too? OK, I'll come to your company to accompany you."

Jisoo had no choice but to say, "It's not about the company, it's about something else. I really don't have time this weekend."

When Jennie heard this, she felt strange: "You're so mysterious, have you really found someone?"

Jisoo really didn't lie to her.

She did have something to do this weekend because Grandma was about to be discharged from the hospital.

The old lady had been in the hospital for more than half a month. She was so bored that she asked to be discharged.

So Taehyung consulted the doctor and prepared to arrange for her to be discharged from the hospital.

Although Jisoo was not officially her granddaughter-in-law yet, she was the one who took her to the hospital before, so it was reasonable for her to be involved in picking her up from the hospital this time.

At the weekend, Jisoo accompanied Taehyung to the hospital.

When Grandma saw her, she was very happy: "Why bother Jisoo to pick me up?"

"Aren't you happy?" Jisoo asked deliberately.

Grandma's eyes narrowed with a smile: "Happy."

"That's good. We are doing this to make you happy. The doctor said that after you are discharged from the hospital, you should keep such a good mood every day."

After the nanny had packed up her things, Jisoo saw Grandma was still buttoning her clothes, so he offered to help.

The old lady kept saying, "I can do it myself."

"It's okay. You've just recovered from a serious illness. We should all take good care of you," Jisoo said as she buttoned her coat deftly.

Because the discharge procedures had been completed, the old lady put on her clothes and they left the ward directly.

For the sake of the her, Taehyung specially asked the driver to drive a comfortable car over.

After everyone got in the car, they went straight home.

When they got home, Grandpa, who was waiting at home, was so happy to see Grandma come back.

Although the two elderly people see each other every day, Grandma's return home today had a special meaning for the whole family. Therefore, even though Grandpa was usually taciturn, he looked particularly happy at this moment.

In the evening, Jisoo informed her parents and stayed there for dinner.

Grandma was in a good mood and even her appetite improved a lot.

After dinner, Jisoo got up and said goodbye.

Taehyung sent her to the door of her house and looked down at her, "Grandma was very happy because of you."

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