33: Do you want to, or not?

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The rain outside the car was getting heavier and heavier. The sound of raindrops hitting the car came from all directions, covering up all the sounds around.

Including the sound of her pounding heartbeat.

Jisoo suddenly realized that since she met Kim Taehyung again, her heart had been beating so violently like this often.

But this time, it was unprecedentedly intense.

--Live with me.

Is it what she thought?

Move into his house and live with him.

Jisoo swallowed unconsciously because she really didn't know how to answer.

If she agreed immediately.

She needs to seek Ms. Kim's opinion.

If I disagreed, it seemed wrong.

They were a real couple after all.

How can a newly married couple live separately?

Jisoo thought carefully, trying to organize her words slowly to answer his question.

But Taehyung seemed to see through her thoughts. He stared at her and said, "Leave the rest to me. You just answer this question."

He raised his palm.

Staring at his actions, Jisoo felt that the scene before her eyes was a deliberately slowed-down scene from a movie.

Until his fingers fell on her ears.

"Do you want to, or not?"

She wanted to live with him or not.

All other questions were left to him, she only needed to answer this one.

Almost in a second.

Jisoo said softly, "Yes."

Her voice was firm.

Just like when he asked her if she wanted to marry him.

He always seemed to put the easiest questions in front of her.

Just answer with one word.

The moment she finished speaking, Taehyung hooked his fingers over the strands of hair that had fallen by her ear and gently tucked them behind her ear.

At the same time, he chuckled softly.

"Let's go home." After saying that, he turned around and gripped the steering wheel.

The car started.

Jisoo watched him concentrate on driving and suddenly thought of a question.

Why did Taehyung suddenly brought this up.

Could it be because of Sooho?

He must have seen her and Sooho together.


Jisoo blinked, frightened by her own terrible thought.

How could she actually feel that Taehyung would be jealous of her?

Although they are husband and wife now, their relationship isn't to the point of jealousy, right?

Maybe it's just pure possessiveness?

Do you feel uncomfortable when you see other men with your wife?

This possibility is still more likely.

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