14: Crazy to the point of ridiculousness.

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Seoul was full of vitality early in the morning.

There were endless streams of cars on the road, and pedestrians were in a hurry, all rushing to their destinations.

This also included Jisoo who was sitting in a car.

She looked at the pedestrians on the roadside calmly, but a storm was surging in her mind.

All this started when Kim Taehyung asked her to marry him.

When she first heard it, she immediately thought that it was crazy.

Crazy to the point of ridiculousness.

She even tried to reason with him, trying to calm him down.

But when he stared at her and said that sentence --"Then, let your mind be hot-headed for me once again."

Jisoo's life, which were followed by strict rules and proper plans, completely deviated from that direction in that second.

She wanted to reach out and hit her head.

What was it that prompted her to say "yes"?

- Do you want to marry me?


-Then be hot-headed for me once again, please.


It was only one word, but it answered all the questions asked.

So this extremely ridiculous conversation led to her current situation.

She sat in Taehyung's car and drove towards home in order to get her identification card and resident card.

After the examination of grandma just now, the doctor and the nurse pushed her back to the ICU ward and didn't allow any visitors.

Taehyung arranged for the assistant to stay in the hospital to watch over her.

Then, he turned to her and said, "Let's go back first, or it will be too late."

Jisoo was still dazed at the time and asked, "Too late for what?"

"To get the marriage certificate."

So in just one morning, her life seemed have sped up very fast to the point she was too dizzy to take in what was even happening!

Her reason, her rationality, her restraint, all disappeared.

Because there was another crazy evil thought in her mind that was reminding her constantly,

Isn't this what you wanted?

You insisted on going on a blind date with him, and now he is willing to marrying you directly, you are indeed the ultimate winner.

If you marry him, you can beat that scumbag as you've wanted!

"Mr. Kim, we're here."

The driver said in a low voice.

Jisoo's head leaning on the car window suddenly straightened up, and she sat up straight reflexively.


Arrived at her house so soon?

The car stopped, and Taehyung got out of the car first. He walked around from the back to Jisoo's door, gently pulled the handle, opened the door, bent down and looked at her: "We're home."

Jisoo took a deep breath, lifted her feet and got off.

Because the driver didn't know where Jisoo lived, he stopped at the door of the bungalow.

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