45:Once again, he shot himself in the foot

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To comfort my wife.

When Jisoo heard this, she recalled this afternoon, when he was in the company's conference room, gently turning the chair with his palm, and looking up at her with cold eyes.

She slightly opened her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't think of the words for a long time.

Finally, Jisoo held back for a long time and finally muttered, "Oh, so you have a wife."

She thought he had really cut off their relations.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung's attitude was completely different from the tough one he had in the office before. He held her in his arms and shook her gently, as if he was acting coquettishly.

Jisoo tried hard to purse her lips and prevent herself from smiling easily.

Taehyung lowered his eyes and stared at her, "I shouldn't have been so blunt."

This person.

Jisoo suddenly realized that she really couldn't do anything about him.

He was really tough when he needed to be tough, and when he needed to admit his mistakes, he apologized faster than anyone else.

Why doesn't he continue to be stubborn at this time?

"That is business, you should maintain your attitude," Jisoo pouted slightly, trying to make her tone seem calm, "I have nothing to be angry about."

Taehyung still looked into her eyes, as if trying to see through her thoughts.

Jisoo lowered her eyes. Although she didn't meet his gaze, she could feel the burning gaze looking at him from the upper side.

"This is my first time..." Taehyung frowned slightly, and seemed to be unable to find the right words. Jisoo waited for a long time, and could not help but look up at him.

Taehyung lowered his eyelids slightly, and their eyes met in mid-air.

Jisoo immediately turned her head and tried to look away.

But the next second, Taehyung suddenly lowered his head and kissed her lips.

It wasn't the kind of kiss with a lingering feeling, but a light peck, more like a comfort.

Most of Jisoo's original emotions disappeared when he said he would rush back to coax his wife, and now the remaining awkward emotions also disappeared with his sudden kiss.

But then, Jisoo despised herself in her heart for being too easy to appease.

The most important thing wad that she just felt awkward and was not really angry with Taehyung .

Compared to Taehyung's reckless help for her, Jisoo prefers Taehyung 's businesslike attitude.

After all, this was a kind of affirmation for her.

Taehyung treated her as a normal business partner, not like a delicate flower that needed his protection.

"Okay, I admit that I felt a little uncomfortable at first," Jisoo simply told the truth. In this kind of situation, it would be a lie to insist that it had no impact at all.

Taehyung looked at her, chuckled, and raised his eyebrows slightly, " Only a little bit?"

"A lot, a lot, a lot, okay?" Jisoo glared at him impatiently. This man was so annoying.

These words really made Taehyung laugh again.

Jisoo glanced at him and thought, haha, you seem quite proud, right?

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