43: Why are you so good?

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Early in the morning.

When Jisoo woke up, she turned over on her bed and habitually reached for the cell phone on the bedside table. Usually before going to bed, she would put her cell phone where she could reach it at the bedside.

This way, when she wakes up the next morning, she can just reach out and check the time.

But she searched for a long time, almost all over the bedside table, but couldn't find her cell phone.

Jisoo then opened her eyes and found that there was no mobile phone on the bedside table.

Her first reaction was, damn, my phone is gone.

But soon, she began to recall what happened last night. Just thinking of her and Taehyung sitting in the living room, watching the heavy rain outside the window and drinking and suddenly something flashed through her mind.


Wait, how did she fall asleep last night?

Jisoo first recalled with shame their long and lingering kiss, in which their lips were intertwined to the extreme.

Then Jisoo vaguely remembered.

It seemed that because she was having difficulty breathing halfway through the kiss, Taehyung let go and let her lie on his shoulder to catch her breath, and then she fell asleep.

So does this mean that she fell asleep in the middle of the kiss?

Jisoo couldn't help but rub her long hair hard.

Can she do such a thing?

Jisoo didn't dare to imagine Taehyung's expression at that time.

For men, her reaction should be quite discouraging.

But she mean want to.

It was already quite late last night. Jisoo's alcohol tolerance was not very good, and she was the type of person who would feel sleepy as soon as she drank. The reason she could persist in kissing him for so long was actually because she was madly attracted to him.

Jisoo sighed and fell to the ground.

Never mind.

No matter how many excuses she made, it couldn't change the fact that she fell asleep in the middle of last night.

After a while, Jisoo struggled to get up and wanted to go to the living room to find her mobile phone. She remembered that she had placed her mobile phone on the sofa and it should still be there.

But just as she was about to open the door, she looked down at herself.

I haven't brushed my teeth yet and my hair is messy.


What if Taehyung hasn't gone to work yet at this time?

If she ran into him when she went out, it would be very embarrassing if he saw her unkempt appearance.

So Jisoo hurried into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and took a quick shower.

After blow-drying her hair a little, she walked out of the room.

However, it was already daybreak outside, and the entire living room was bright and lively. All traces of last night's heavy rain had almost disappeared, and outside the window, the hustle and bustle of the city could be seen.

Jisoo walked to the sofa and saw her cell phone on the coffee table.

"You finally woke up?"

Aunt Lee came over from the utility room with a handheld vacuum cleaner and said in surprise when she saw Jisoo. She had been working here for so long that she had already gotten used to their busy schedule.

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