32: In his warm embrace.

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Jisoo was lying on the hospital bed when she suddenly thought of a question.

"Don't I only have food poisoning? Do I need to be hospitalized for this?"

She thought that her condition was good, so she could just get an IV drip and go home.

Ms. Kim was eating the fruit that Kim Ji-Yoo had bought for Jisoo.

The fruit shop was quite thoughtful and gave away some disposable plastic forks. Kim Ji-Yoo placed the washed fruits on the small table next to Jisoo's sickbed.

"This pear is quite sweet," Ms. Kim said after she finished her sigh, "I want to know too, but you have to ask Taehyung. If he hadn't called to say that you still need to be hospitalized, we wouldn't have come to the hospital."

Jisoo sighed, "I already know how much you dislike me, there is no need to describe it in detail."

Kim Ji-Yoo comforted her, "You know your mother, she has a sharp tongue but a soft heart. After you left last night, she didn't sleep well all night. She waited until Taehyung called before she reluctantly lay down."

"Kim Ji-Yoo," Ms. Kim glared at him and called him by his full name, "Don't you dare spread rumors."

Only then did Jisoo smile, picked up the disposable fork on the small table, poked a piece of pear and put it into her mouth.

Taehyung came back very quickly.

Jisoo asked with concern,"Where did you eat?"

"Outside the hospital," he said.

Jisoo thought for a moment and said, "Those small restaurants outside the hospital."

Although she didn't see the environment around the hospital when she came last night, she could roughly imagine it.

They must be some ordinary roadside restaurants.

Taehyung casually placed the box in his hand on the table and said casually, "I didn't grow up eating in five star hotels."

Ms. Kim, who was standing aside, deliberately glanced at Jisoo.

Jisoo said, "I just care about you."

"I know," Taehyung finally realized that teacher Kim and Uncle were both there. He usually used this tone to tease Jisoo when talking to her.

He then said seriously, "What I meant was, I really enjoy eating at small restaurants. The food is always good."

Ms. Kim and her father stayed for a while and then prepared to leave.

Jisoo looked at her father eagerly, causing Ms. Kim to roll her eyes and say, "Don't think about it. Your dad can't stay here with you. He has to go back to work later."

So Jisoo looked turned to look at her.

Ms. Kim raised her hand and touched her hair: "I have made an appointment with your Aunt Lim to get my hair permed. The guy who perms hair in this salon is very skilled and it's hard to get an appointment."

Jisoo: "..."

Taehyung took the initiative to escort them downstairs.

Jisoo was lying in bed, bored, when she suddenly remembered something.

Everything she ate yesterday was also eaten by Jennie.

If her condition was so serious, was Jennie okay?

So she immediately found her cell phone on the bedside and was about to call hrr.

Instead, her own cell phone rang first.

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