19: The best person in this world.

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Jisoo got into the car and relaxed. A feeling of tiredness and sleepiness immediately came over her.

After a few seconds, she leaned her head against the back seat and closed her eyes.

"Well, I've picked her up. She looks like she's drunk a lot."

She didn't know how much time had passed, but she leaned back in her chair and vaguely heard the driver's voice on the phone.

Jisoo forced herself to open her eyes.

The driver had just hung up the phone. When he heard the noise behind him, he immediately said, "Madam, are you thirsty? There is mineral water in the back. You can take it."

Jisoo rubbed her forehead with her hand. It felt like being pricked by needles and was extremely painful.


"Of course," the driver smiled, but couldn't help and remind her, "Mrs. Kim, next time you have this kind of socializing meeting, be sure to notify me so I can pick you up. Otherwise, it will be very dangerous."

Just now when the driver drove the car, he saw a group of men standing around Jisoo.

Fortunately, Mr. Kim was not there and did not see this scene.

Jisoo unscrewed the bottle cap and drank several gulps of water before she could calm down the burning sensation in her chest. She closed her eyes slightly and said, "Don't call me Mrs. Kim anymore. Just call me Jisoo."

The driver looked to be in his forties, which made an elder.

The driver smiled and said, "It's only right for me to call you Mrs. Kim."

Not to mention, even though the he got off the car for a short time, he observed very carefully.

After he called out "Mrs. Kim", the man standing closest to her looked shocked.

Of course, the driver was quite understanding.

After all, even if he had personally driven the two of them to get the marriage certificate, he couldn't believe that Mr. Kim, who had always been calm and rational, could do such a crazy thing as a flash marriage.

As Jisoo listened to the driver's words, Sooho's expression of disbelief flashed through her mind.

Suddenly she chuckled.

In fact, it felt quite good to be called like that.

It took more than half an hour to reach the gate of her Community.

The driver noticed her unsteady steps and said worriedly, "How about I take you to your doorstep? It's dark in the neighborhood right now."

It was past ten o'clock and many lights in the community had been turned off.

It did look a bit dark.

Jisoo waved her hand: "Don't delay go home, I can walk there on my own."

The driver could only stand there and watch her walk into the community step by step.

Jisoo arrived at the door of her house and pressed her finger on the lock of the door, but for some reason, she heard the door lock beeping but not open.

She was just getting annoyed when she saw the door being opened from the inside.

Kim Ji-Yoo was wearing pajamas and holding a cup of water in his hand, and it seemed that he had gotten up to drink water.

"Aiya, why did you drink so much?" Seeing her flushed face and reeking of alcohol, he quickly helped her in.

Finally having someone to support her, Jisoo's knees went weak and she almost fell down.

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