48: How could he protect her?

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Taehyung did not see the video immediately because he was in a financial meeting.

Being in his position, it is inevitable that there will be some public business activities that he will have to deal with.

When the meeting was over, everyone was chatting and socializing.

Taehyung was surrounded by people and chatted for a long time until the secretary found an excuse to let him go.

He was going to go back to the company, but when he walked outside, he saw Cha Eunwoo in the corridor, looking down at his phone. He had seen him in the meeting before, but he didn't say hello.

Although they graduated from the same high school, they didn't have much friendship.

Cha Eunwoo was originally looking down at his phone. He seemed to hear some noise and looked up, and their eyes met.

Taehyung withdrew his gaze coldly and prepared to leave with his assistant and others.

"Mr. Kim," Cha Eunwoo suddenly stepped forward and shouted.

Yeonjun stepped forward, ready to stop him from approaching.

Cha Eunwoo chuckled, "Old classmates met, let's chat for a while."

Yeonjun was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party was his boss's old classmate, so he turned around and looked at Taehyung .

Taehyung said calmly: "It seems that we don't have much past, what is there to talk about."

"It seems you haven't seen this yet?" Cha Eunwoo suddenly raised his mobile phone, and a video started playing on the phone interface.

Taehyung watched helplessly as a strange man broke free from the restraints of several people and tried to pounce on Jisoo, but in the end he picked up the things on the table and threw them at Jisoo.

When half of Jisoo's body was splashed, Taehyung couldn't help but close his eyes.

At this moment, it seemed as if the cup of coffee was spilled on him.

Yeonjun also noticed the video and saw the boss's expression, and he thought to himself how angry he seemed to get.

Even if others don't know, how could he not understand the relationship between his boss and Jisoo?

Taehyung signaled the others to leave, leaving only him and Eunwoo.

"What do you want to say?" Taehyung looked at Cha Eunwoo coldly.

Cha Eunwoo stepped forward: "You should know who that man is."

Taehyung remained silent.

"I heard that Oceanwide and Hwasoo are going to cooperate recently, so I can probably guess why Jisoo was so anxious to deal with Yang." Cha Eunwoo looked at Taehyung and suddenly wrinkled his nose slightly, looking a little distressed: "Don't you think it's strange that when Jisoo gets involved with you, it seems that something bad always happens."

"Who do you think you are?" Taehyung was not a cheerful person to begin with, and he was very distant when dealing with strangers.

But at this moment when he was furious, his whole body pressure dropped by several degrees, and even when he looked at people, his eyes were extremely sharp, with a terrifying deterrent power.

At this moment, he stared at Cha Eunwoo with cold and sharp eyes, which seemed particularly scary, and his voice was extremely cold, "What qualifications do you have to say such words on behalf of Jisoo?"

He reminded Cha Eunwoo word by word that even if the other party did not know the relationship between him and Jisoo, Cha Eunwoo had no right to say these things on behalf of Jisoo.

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