47: Winter, isn't this how it should be.

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In the brightly lit kitchen, accompanied by the sound of steam pushing open the lid of the pan, Taehyung held Jisoo’s waist with one hand, lowered his head and gently bit Jisoo’s mouth, with a force that was neither too light nor too hard, as if teasing, making Jisoo want to take a bite back.

As a result, as soon as she moved, the other person stepped back.

This time he really retreated, because he reached out to the switch of the stove next to him and turned off the fire.

“If it keeps burning, the whole house will catch fure,” Taehyung came closer again, still keeping his lips close to hers. His deep voice went along Jisoo’s eardrums and went straight into her heart.

Jisoo was so aroused by him that her heart was beating up and down, and she couldn’t feel at peace at all. Just when she was about to calm down, it suddenly jumped up high again.

As if there was a feather scratching it, making her heart itchy.

Jisoo found that kissing is something that can be mastered with practice. Just like when they kissed for the first time, she could clearly feel that Taehyung was quite awkward, and she was puzzled at the time, thinking that it was impossible.

Taehyung, he is a male who has been an adult for more than ten years. It is not impossible that he does not know how to kiss.

She originally thought that this was the first time he kissed.

But then she realized that he got the hang of it much faster than she did.

It was as if both of them started with 20 points, but now Taehyung has raised his score to over 90 points, while Jisoo was still hovering around 70 points.

Could it be that a top student could learn such things so effortlessly?

“Why are you distracted?” Taehyung  suddenly stopped and reached out to pinch the cheeks.

Jisoo thought about the last time she fell asleep during a kiss, and thought that she must not fall into the same trap again this time. She looked at him and said obediently, “I’m thinking about you.”

Taehyung  glanced at her calmly, looking unperturbed, “What did you think about me?”

“I was wondering how you are such a good kisser now. Have you always been such a good learner?”

She hadn’t finished talking yet, and he held her cheek directly. Taehyung  lowered his head and bit her lower lip slightly, and said with some regret, “Then have you ever thought about why you are so good at ruining the mood?”

Was she a killjoy?

But this time, she didn’t have the energy to think anymore, because Taehyung’s kiss was so fierce that in an instant, she was kissed so hard that she retreated back repeatedly, her breathing so rapid that she could hardly breathe.

She didn’t know how much time had passed, but when Jisoo was released, she felt like a fish that had left the water and was gasping for breath desperately.

Taehyung held her in his arms, gently stroked her, and said with a hint of teasing, “It’s been several times, and you still don’t know how to breathe.”

Perhaps it was the relief after being satisfied that even his tone was a bit frivolous.

Jisoo snorted in his arms. After hearing this, she was about to push him away and leave with some dissatisfaction, “Yeah, I don’t know how to breathe, so I have to go and rest for a while. You can make dinner yourself.”

She was about to leave when Taehyung  grabbed her wrist.

“What?” Jisoo raised her chin, looking arrogant and proud.

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