50: Yes, I really, really like Taehyung

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Jisoo was lying in bed, not surprised at all that Jennie called back. She said slowly and in a drawn-out tone, "Want to listen?"

"Jisoo, don't force me to fly back to Seoul now, I'll strangle you to death," Jennie said gritting her teeth.

After hearing what Jennie said, she was not afraid, and said lightly, "I'm afraid that won't work. My husband won't be willing to let me go. After all, he likes me so much."

Jennie: "..."

She suddenly doubted her own intelligence and wondered why she called back.

Fortunately, Jisoo did not continue to tease her, and said softly, "That video had appeared online today, my cousin from my aunt's family would have told my grandmother. As a result, my parents and I were called over. I was not at the company, and he kept calling but couldn't find me. Finally, when I got home, he was waiting at my door."

Jennie chuckled and deliberately asked, "Hey, who is he?"

Jisoo was not the kind of person who would show off. She was a little reserved when she spoke, and she didn't even say Taehyung 's name.

Hearing this, Jisoo snorted and laughed, dispelling the sweet and awkward feeling in her heart, and said, "Taehyung."

But Jennie didn't intend to let her go, and deliberately said in a pretentious tone, "It was Kim Taehyung who confessed to you. TheTaehyung . You were quite talkative just now."

Jisoo was so amused by her tone that she couldn't believe it and said, "Was my tone so disgusting just now?"

"It's ten or a hundred times more disgusting than what I said," Jennie responded bluntly.

Jisoo lay on the bed, holding her phone, and suddenly asked, "Jen, why don't you fall in love? Falling in love is so happy."

Jennie almost couldn't help but choke, "Jisoo, listen to what you say, are you talking like a human being? And when I was in love, you were still hanging around with a bunch of experimental equipment all day long."

This was not Jennie bragging, she was different from Jisoo.

As soon as she entered university, she was like a dragon in the sea, and the world was hers.

The gender ratio in the Journalism Department was pretty good, but she was not limited to this department. Relying on her membership in the student union, she had dated boys from the Sports Department to the Finance Department.

It's just that In the past six months, she has indeed been in a period of emptiness.

"Work is really a waste of time. Think about the fish in my pond. Almost all of them are running away," Jennie sighed.

But soon, she asked: "Have you ever asked him when he started to like you?"

Jisoo was stunned for a moment, then quickly said, "It should be the same as mine. After getting married or living together, it's easy for sparks of love to arise after spending so much time together."

"Speak normally," Jennie reminded.

Jisoo asked herself: "Is it abnormal for me to speak like this?"

Jennie: "Do I need to remind you what you were like before?"

After all, Jisoo had been in a relationship before, so there would naturally be a comparison. Putting aside the fact that Sooho cheated on her in the end, the two of them looked warm when they were together.

Jennie originally thought that Jisoo started dating too late. Without experiencing the thrill of love in her teenage years, she directly entered the adult love way, which was warm but not passionate enough.

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