12: Only a man like him can do this

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September was approaching, with consistent rains and cold breeze, the temperature of the entire city had dropped a little, and the heat in the past had disappeared.

Jisoo arrived at the company and did not miss the check-in time.

In fact, Oceanwide Intelligence adapted flexible check-in times, but it's usually for those who work overtime the day before.

In the afternoon, Jisoo was called to the office by Jinyoung.

"There will be an autonomous driving technology summit forum the day after tomorrow. Many well-known companies, as well as leading companies in our autonomous driving entrepreneurial circle, will participate. This time you will go with me, and you can also take the opportunity to meet some people."

Of course Jisoo was very happy and immediately said,"Okay, I will not dissapoint you."

Jinyoung said: "We are mainly going to this summit forum to exchange and learn, but also to understand and flex our muscles for the science and technology exhibition in the second half of the year."

The science and technology exhibition is a grand gathering among domestic technology companies. Major companies use this opportunity to display their scientific and technological achievements and seek cooperation and financing opportunities.

Therefore, many companies will present their innovative technologies at such exhibitions.

"Currently, our parking system has entered the final stage of trial operation. As long as we can find a company that is willing to co-operate, I believe it can be successfully put into commercial use," Jisoo said with confidence.

Jinyoung smiled, "Very good, the most important thing for us now is to come up with our core technology."

Because of his's words, Jisoo worked overtime until half past eleven o'clock at night.

Working overtime for two consecutive days, Jisoo couldn't find time to return the clothes to Taehyung.

She had to sent him a message first.

Jisoo: [Sorry, I've been a little busy these two days. The clothes have been washed. I'll return them to you whenever it's convenient for you. 】

After sending this message, Jisoo went to take a shower.

After coming out of the bathroom, she looked at her phone but there was no reply.

She thought the other person was busy, so she didn't pay attention.

When she woke up the next morning, Jisoo found that Taehyung had not replied to her message from last night.

She stared at her phone for a long time, feeling something indescribable in her heart.

But she quickly regained her composure.

Yes, a person who is so busy has no time to hold his mobile phone all day long.

Maybe when he sees it, he will reply to her.

Because she was going to attend a summit forum today and did not have to go to the company, Jisoo dressed up specially in the morning.
It was not her usual T-shirt and jeans casual commuting look.

She was wearing a light blue silk shirt and a white skirt with hem above her knees in a classic wide-waisted style, which made her figure look slender and especially her exposed calves, which were so fair and slim.

Jisoo dressed up and ready to go out when she opened the shoe cabinet.

They were mostly sneakers and not many pairs of high heels.

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