the unexpected wake up

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Pokemon original universe on Tuesday April 16th, 2049 in Cabo poco, paldea region at 6:30 am- unknown house

The sun shining and couple of fletching flying above the house to went somewhere left side of paldea region, inside the master bedroom with still sleepy sunset shimmer at right sid of bed  facing the wall while underneath the blanket until she tos...

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The sun shining and couple of fletching flying above the house to went somewhere left side of paldea region, inside the master bedroom with still sleepy sunset shimmer at right sid of bed facing the wall while underneath the blanket until she tossed to the left with her hand place by something really hard make her confused and thought to herself, "funny, why my mattress felt so hard some reason?" She started open eyes to see something very blurry in few seconds and vision cleared to reveal her hand on someone shirt that caught of shock from sunset who decided look up at mystery person sleeping with her, it was sleeping rainbow dash without wearing blue jacket cause sunset shimmer eyes went wide and open her mouth little wide of disbelief with blushed on both cheeks

Sunset: "(thought) rainbow? How she got inside my bedroom without being noticed by the cakes."

She then heard rainbow angry morning moan started waking up with eyes open stare at wooden ceiling got confused look on her face and said to herself, "aw man, I felt like hell some reason since yesterday." She turned her head to the left side of bed caught of shocking by rainbow seeing sunset shimmer laying in the bed with her.

Rainbow: "s-s-sunset?"

Sunset: "r-r-rainbow?"

Outside of their master bedroom with wild fletching flying down on window seal to land with both tiny talons touch it was about enjoying resting until.


Make fletching scared and started flying away to went other directions in paldea region for resting.

[New chapter is out for today]

sunsetdash chronicles Vol. 1:  new life at paldea regionWhere stories live. Discover now