rampage pokemon in Langley falls

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American dad original universe: 2009 edition with adult animation & sitcom on Thursday August 15th, 2009 in Langley falls, Virginia during 12:01 pm

American dad original universe: 2009 edition with adult animation & sitcom on Thursday August 15th, 2009 in Langley falls, Virginia during 12:01 pm

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At CIA headquarters

From the backyard of CIA headquarters with an supernatural green portal up in middle of field facing toward the building begins up to reveal section 44 northeast corridor with captain of wild rampage buster squadron Bertholdt Hoover from aot alter...

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From the backyard of CIA headquarters with an supernatural green portal up in middle of field facing toward the building begins up to reveal section 44 northeast corridor with captain of wild rampage buster squadron Bertholdt Hoover from aot alternative universe 2 in section 44 jumpsuit with red stripes in both sides and pokebelt around the belt loop and aria blaze come out through the portal to outside of CIA headquarter being noticed by Jackson & Hooper with confused look to see two people come out from portal who closed up after that  begins looking around for something so they decided walking towards them was about to ask when aria's rotom phone flew out from pocket in front of them at 4 feet away begins to speak, "wild rampage pokemon has been spotted directly behind you guys at 8 feet away." They turned around in fear to see rampage pokemon is slugma with yellow glowing eyes with dark aura aswell in him begins growing in size of dredaw with ice cold magma skin, it has  droplet-ice icicle shape fangs on the bottom of its mouth. Got ponytail-icy fire coming off its head. He's now ice and fire type when gives out powerful roar that echo the whole headquarter, "SSSLLLLUGGGGMMMAAAA!" on cue for aria and Bertholdt pulled out their pokeball quick and toss it in the air then call out their pokemon.

Bertholdt: "go blassta!"

Aria: "come out, haunter!"

They come out from their pokemon to outside having pokemon battle with wild rampage slugma in one on two battle when Bertholdt called out 1st attack for blassta, "use ember!" He fired ember straight toward wild rampage slugma was about to fire ice beam when aria called out sneak attack for haunter, "use scary face!" Haunter frightened slugma with scary face of himself to cancel his attack that lower its accuracy and direct hit in the face is super effective and medium halfway critical damage but leave him with a burn to cause more damage.

Hooper: "good plan kid. That's showing him who boss."

Bertholdt: "use will-o-wisp!"

He fire sinister flames straight toward burn slugma quick and getting more damage into little bit more damage make slugma started glowing again begins shrinking down really quick to his normal state with rampage phenomenon gone, he's getting dizzy for Bertholdt pull out pokeball quick start to throw straight toward dizzy slugma and begun captured him with red beam to went inside pokeball and falling down on the grass gently and lock him up after that.

Jackson: "way to go kid."

Hooper: "alright."

Aria: "congratulations captain Bertholdt, you caught your first wild rampage pokemon in this original universe."

Meanwhile at equestria girls universe 6 during lunch period in canterlot high with sci twi walking towards the cafeteria having lunch with her friends but she scared to tell sunset shimmer to having feelings for her since first met her at friendships games.

Sci twi: "(thought) I should tell her about tomorrow morning after that at school band room alone."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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