ex-boyfriend return

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Bluey original universe on Thursday 15th, 2018 at 1:15 pm in CelAction2D animation

Brisbade, Queensland

At the park with bandit heeler and his wife taking wonderful walk through the park for a while before pick their kids at school until they stop to see glimmering  yellow calf with lighting shape tail in the back, he staring them directly in nine feet away when a portal behind them in 7 seven feet who look back to see it begins open up to reveal section 44 Northeast corridor with sci twi in section 44 jumpsuit with dark purple stripes got pokebelt around beltloop & 13 yrs old Patti mayonnaise from Doug original universe exit the portal to park with them see glimmering pokemon, he summoned tera shard rose up from pavement to absorbed him in couple of seconds and broke into pieces to reveal terastallized sparkalf with grass type tera shard crown on top of his head and begin power up after that.

Bandit: "wow I didn't see that coming.'

Sci twi says kindness to them while she and patty pulled out pokeball in their hands, "don't worry, we handle it!" They started toss it in the air to call out their pokemon.

Sci twi: "let's go, lucario!"

Patty: "it's showtime, palpitoad!"

They come out from their pokeball to outside having pokemon battle against terastallized pokemon when sci twi call out the attack for lucario, "aura sphere!"

Patty: "hydro pump!"

Their attacks straight toward terastallized sparkalf together until they fuse together into elemental attack move, aura hydro pump make it faster straight to terastallized pokemon with direct hit caused medium-sized explosion made gust of wind will sci twi and the rest cover their eyes.

Bandit: "crikey! That move quiet powerful punch, I never seen before."

Chili: "you said it honey."

When smoked and gust of wind faded away for them uncover their eyes to see fainted normal sparkalf laying down left side, on cue for patty pulled out pokeball in right hand begin throw toward fainted sparkalf begin captured him with red beam to went inside pokeball who fall down on the pavement boardwalk gently and lock it up after that.

Sci twi: "way to go patty."

Patty: "thanks twi."

"Um hey twi."

She felt cold chill in her spine to know that voice come from by familiar person when she turned turned around to see shameful timber spruce standing behind the portal in 2⅓ feet away.

Sci twi: "what do you want, timber."

Patty, lucario, and palpitoad give him a stink eye that confused the wedding couples when timber begin apologize to twilight, "listen, I'm sorry for losing my temper and breaking up with you in such a harsh manner, do you forgive me what I did to you." They smile happily for timber apologize to twilight from his temper and harsh manner as she replied back to her in forgiveness, "I forgive you timber."

Timber: "great, we need hangout again as friends."

Sci twi: "sure, during after work."

Timber: "sounds good, I hope you find someone to treat you kindly and protective."

Sci twi blushed lightly and said, "well there someone I caught on a eye forever at canterlot high." Patty replied surprise to her friend, "who is it, twi."

Timber: "yeah."

Sci twi: "it's a girl from canterlot high school, she has yellow skin with flame haired hair and moderate cyn eyes. She living in human world from equestria forever."

Both timber and patty eyes went wide of shocked to twilight hint about a crushed on girl from canterlot high school has yellow skin with flame haired hair and moderate cyn eyes. She living in human world from.

Timber/patty: "YOU LIKE SUNSET SHIMMER!!!"

That echo through the corridor to main lobby with everyone hear it about sci twi like sunset shimmer from her universe this whole time.

[New chapter is out for today]

sunsetdash chronicles Vol. 1:  new life at paldea regionWhere stories live. Discover now