wild tera quasire in calaneth district

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At calaneth district in East Side of town with two mp walked through town doing their patrol until they stop to see glimmering creature standing there in middle of road staring them directly at seven feet away when he summoned tera shard rose up from the ground to absorb him in few seconds and broke into pieces to reveal terastallized qusasire with ghost type tera shard crown on top of his head, he began powered up with the energy that alarm everyone in both sides of building, when suddenly a magical purple portal show up facing toward two mp from behind in 8 feet away who turned around to see it begins open up to reveal section 20 northeast corridor with Gregory lion, yak yak, Sally and kisara tendo from black bullet original universe in modern ara edition without post apocalyptic wearing section 20 jumpsuit with light blue stripes in both sides and pokebelt around belt loop, they exit through the portal to join two mp see terastallized quasire as yak yak says to them with laughing, "uh-no, (laughing)Terastallized pokemon already summoned tera shard and power up after that, (laughing). We're doom." That confused two mp and Mr. Ral about yak yak laughing about danger when Gregory and kisara pulled out their pokeball begins toss it in the air then call out their pokemon.

Gregory: "let's go magnenton!"

Kisara: "come out, lushrew!"

They come out from their pokeball to outside having pokemon battle against terastallized pokemon with everyone watching it as Gregory called out attacks for magnenton, "use electro ball!" They hurl electro ball straight toward terastallized pokemon with direct hit in the stomach cause half quarter damage that's everyone surprised.

"Teach that punk a lesson you two."

"He losing ground."

"Good job guys."

Kisara: "use razor leafs!"

He attack terastallized quasire with sharped-edge leafs in both ribs to inflicted damage is super effective cause tera shattered into pieces for returning dizzy quasire to normal for kisara pulled out great ball in left hand begins throwing toward him and capture him with red beam to went inside ball who falling down on the ground gently begins lock him up after that, several citizens, two mps, and ten garrisons started cheering really loud for their mysterious heroes capture glimmering pokemon with sally look at happy mr. Ral says to her, "thanks for saving us, ms." Sally Replied, "no problem sir, they're doing job as wild tera pokemon catchers."

"Excuse me, madam Sally."

They turned around to see RA-7 protocol droid standing behind the portal in 2½ away as he say nicely to her, "good news, we got 41 new recruits of wild rampage pokemon busters in section 20 from other universes." Sally replied, "thanks for telling me that, dude. I tell my bosses about it when they coming here at 8:15 am."

MP #1: "yummy, fresh pack of rookies."

MP #2: "you said it buddy."

In few hours later, defeated scouts came marching in the calaneth district, the civilians were gathered to see the scouts return.

"It's just me or are fewer than this morning?"

"A lot of fewer?"

"Another bad one."

"They left this morning shouting and roaring and now they're back."

Petra & eren walking together on foot with him holding the horse with his leash with shameful expression on there faces when they heard a man voice, "Petra." They stop to look up to see mr. Ral walk up to them with little worried expression on his face and said, "thanks goodness you alright from 57th expedition." Petra smile at her father while holding hand with eren make mikasa very happy from behind as she replied back to him, "eren saved me was about get crushed by female Titan inside the forest." Mr. Ral said to eren, "ah, so you must be eren Jaeger. My daughter told me nothing but good things about you in the letters she wrote. I am Petra father, Mr. Ral."

Eren: "very nice to meet you, Mr. Ral. You so proud of your strong yet and sweet daughter."

Mr. Ral: "that true, she got strong and beautiful from her mother side."

Petra: "yup, did I miss everything while we're at 57th expedition."

Male civilian: "well we witness the battle between terastallized pokemon and regular pokemon at Eastside of town in few seconds ago."

Mp #1: "that's true."

Petra shock with jaw dropped on the floor to hear wild tera pokemon show up in her hometown in few seconds ago and said in complain, "aw man we're too late to see first wild tera pokemon." Nanaba replied, "there no need to worry Petra, you will see wild tera pokemon show up at trost district very soon maybe tomorrow or next day."

Mike: "yup.'

Petra: " Good point there nanaba."

[New chapter is out for today]

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