vs wild rampage tepig

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The Simpsons universe 4: 2018 edition with remained ageless

Thursday September 15, 2018 at Springfield during 7:15 am

Backyard of Springfield elementary school with principle Skinner & superintendent Chalmers walked together at playground until they stop to see dark glowing tepig with yellow glowing eyes standing in front of them at 9 feet away begins growing size of Persian with his skin turned yellow with fur became spiky combine with dark yellow maroon patterns across his body, now he's fire and electric type  as he give out aggressively cry, "TTTTEEEEEEPIGGGGGGGGG!"

Principle Skinner: "we should run, sir?"

Superintendent Chalmers: "yup."

They start running away in fear from wild rampage tepig with chasing them until they went inside the school quick make him stop bit to give out angry snot from his nose about so close to attack them.

"Hey porky!"

He turned around angry to see commander yori asanagi in section 33 jumpsuit with neon pink stripes in both sides and pokebelt around belt loop standing behind the portal of section 33 northeast corridor in 4 feet away just her to face wild rampage pokemon alone without any help when she pulled out pokeball in right hand begins throw it in the air then call out her pokemon, "come out, hydrapple!" He comes out from his pokeball to outside having pokemon against wild rampage pokemon while being watched by principle Skinner and superintendent Chalmers stick  their heads out to the window see it

Yori: "use frickle beam!"

The heads come out four corners of Apple join their leader to fire frickle beam straight toward rampage tepig really quick with massive direct hit cause almost heavily critical damage caused tepig shrinking down into his normal state from rampage phenomenon make him little dizzy on cue for yori pulled out another pokeball in right hand begins throw toward dizzy tepig and started capture him with red beam to went inside pokeball who falling down on the grass gently begin lock him up after that make yori very happy to capture her first wild rampage pokemon in this universe as they approach it to grab but to see principle Skinner and superintendent Chalmers exit the building toward them as principle says nicely to her, "thanks, I guess." Yori replied, "no problem it's my job as commander of section 33 wild rampage pokemon busters squadron." Section 33 regular staff walk through the portal to playground toward them with rotom phone on right palm and handed to principle Skinner.

Yori: "it's everything in there including pokedex to give information about every type of pokemon show up here from pokemon original universe to stay or visit, so keep a eyes on them very close."

Superintendent Chalmers: " You got it kid."

Principle Skinner: "of course."

[New chapter is out for today]

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