police chief surprise

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Shining armor office

Police chief shining armor shocked, "say again."

He sitting in chair face forward to staring directly at brushed jade and moonlight standing in front of his desk at 3 feet with brushed jade explain to him again, "you heard me, she said to us that she never seen crystal before in two weeks ago and she thinks there more of them in the whole city. What we going to do, sir." He give out guilty sigh began looking at the duo and said, "there someone who want to meet you two first time."

Moonlight: "who is it, sir?"


Shining armor: "come in."

Mystery person opening the door forward really wide to enter the office with them to reveal captain arlelt with a smile on his face and being accompanied by captain tomoka kase & section 23 armored agent with shining armor started introducing him to them, "meet Armin arlelt, the head of section 23 & dino handler and captain tomoka kase." Moonlight becomes shocked in surprise about hearing 'Armin arlelt'  name from police chief mouth and said to him in surprise, "you're legendary hero of universe, Armin arlelt the head of legendary section 23 from your original universe, former Titan shifter, and dino handler."

Brushed: "how do you about him, moonlight."

Moonlight: "my parents told me as kid about them saving the worlds from shendu, his siblings, Tarakudo, daolon wong, drago, and kuro republic back in the day."

Captain tomoka: "especially zero empire."

Moonlight: "that too, tomoka ol'girl. (Thought) hehehe, I called captain of section alliance nickname."

Brushed jade look back at police chief with confused expression and said, "what's going on here, sir." He replied, "well three years ago in this universe I'm talking with my friend from college double diamond at his office inside school board building until he came to his office along with his two assistances and we started talking after that." Brushed replied, "what about sir?" He look up at the duo with a smile and answer back at brushed jade, "you two quit job as police officer to join section 23 as wild tera pokemon catchers." Moonlight give out excitement squealed because his dream come true to joining legendary section 23 and brushed jade eyes wide and open mouth disbelief after hearing from police chief told them to quit job as police officers to join section 23 as wild tera pokemon catchers.

Brushed: "are you serious, sir."

Shining: "yes I'm very serious, jade but it's good thing though you can capture every type wild tera pokemon from multieverses with your wild tera pokemon catcher partner to make your girlfriend, pearl dusk proud."

Brushed never thought of that at all so she decided join section 23 with moonlight as wild tera pokemon catchers make her girlfriend proud and she look back again at captain arlelt with a smile and said, "I'm in, cap." He replied, "welcome to section 23, you two.  And armored agent take you two to pokemon storage room so you can pick out your partner and three or four pokemon you want."

Brushed: "sounds good, cap."

Moonlight: "alright, I'm going to see section 23 for first time."

Canterlot high school at 1:35 pm in the hallway with sad applejack at her locker getting something for 4th period until she heard a voice left next to her in three feet away, "hey AJ." Applejack stop turn her head to the left see pinkie pie with hair down and said, "how are you doing, pinks? Does everyone laughing at you lately?" Pinkie replied while arms crossed underneath her e-cup breasts cause applejack blushed light on her cheeks, "yeah, you."

Applejack: "eeyup, ah can't believe sunset did to us this whole time as anon-a-miss and she never change at all as good person."

Pinkie: "yup, especially rainbow dash still heartbroken though after we walk out on sunset this morning."

Applejack:" Yeah, ah hope she find a perfect gal for her as new girlfriend. Anyway after school you should come with me at mah house to hangout just two of us."

Pinkie: "sure, sounds good to me."

Then suddenly, klimpaloon the magical old timey bathing suit walk pass them while saying, "nang-nang-nang-nang!" Heading somewhere in the school that confused applejack and pinkie pie bit.

Applejack: "ah didn't see that coming."

Pinkie: "you said it aj."

Meanwhile at uva academy, dictator nemona office

Dictator nemona having staring down directly at liko Ketchum and her boyfriend eren Yeager standing in front of her desk at four feet away.

Dictator nemona: "you two give a tour to rainbow dash and sunset shimmer the whole academy tomorrow at 10:15 am because they living here as new home for now on like Zeke and his family did after the owl told captain sentry back in the day."

Eren: "yup."

Liko: "we won't fail you, ma'am."

Dictator nemona: "atta girl."

[New chapter is out for today]

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