meet the dictator

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Both sunset and rainbow arrived at entrance hall very more surprise to see several uva students from 1st and 2nd floor searched for books especially flutter mane carried three books with one tentacle went right side of entrance hall begins noticed the love birds inside entrance hall with shocking expression on their faces to see flutter mane for first time ever.

"Hello there."

They saw bucky Barnes & solon walk to them and solon said to them in kindness, "welcome to uva academy, how we can help with you two." Sunset replied, "yes, I want to talk with dictator nemona at her office about getting a job." Solon replied, "of course my dear, follow us to her office so you can ask her."

Sunset: "sounds good."

At dictator nemona office

Dictator nemona sitting in her desk staring down directly at serious sonata dusk from equestria girls alternative universe 4: pinkie pie swear edition in Titan destroyer imperial officer gray uniform with both hands behind her back as she said to dictator in kindness, "the watchtower will be done inside middle of forest at area three by tomorrow, ma'am." She replied, "thank you for telling me that, commander dusk."

Commander dusk: "you're welcome ma'am."


Dictator nemona: "come in."

The door open very wide to reveal solon & Bucky Barnes enter the office with the love birds that surprise dictator nemona bit when commander dusk walk away toward the door while pass them began lock eyes each other with commander raised one brow up at them as they approach the desk and she then walked away from the office to corridor turned left.

Dictator nemona: "hello I am nemona pepper and I am the dictator of uva academy, how can I help with you today."

Sunset: "I want to applied a job because me and my girlfriend just move here today from our former alternative universe to start to new life."

The trio are happy for rainbow dash and sunset shimmer staying here as new home from their horrible and little nice alternative universe with the help of sleath team and the shadow, then dictator nemona said to her in kindness, "of course Ms. Shimmer, what kind of job do you like?"

Sunset: "what about school nurse assistance as part time in the day."

Dictator Nemona: "of course, you start Monday. That's okay."

Sunset: "sure."

Bucky: "should you two come here again tomorrow for a tour the whole academy & including meeting the students and staffs."

Dictator nemona: "wonderful idea, mr. Barnes."

Sunset/rainbow: "of course."

Solon: "excellent we get a student as tour guide for you tomorrow."

Meanwhile back at equestria girls alternative universe 4

Inside the police station with brushed jade at her desk reading Scarlet book in both hands when she turned next page to new chapter called beware of prehistoric gogoat known as ramming horns.

She started to read, "people who have sighted this pokemon believe it's a prehistoric gogoat

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She started to read, "people who have sighted this pokemon believe it's a prehistoric gogoat. But, the horns on its head are forwards instead of backwards. Group of them but it heads as a dominace display, often scrapped their horns along the ground. The soil that they battle on becomes fertile areas for plants to thrive. It were theorized that ancient humans had trouble trying to tame the behemoth." She said to herself little surprise, "boy I hate to see ramming horns somewhere in this city."

"Officer jade."

She look up to see serious police chief shining armor standing in front of her desk and said, "you and moonlight go to the park talking with female park ranger." Officer jade replied, "yes sir."

[New chapter is out for today]

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