tour at uva academy part 1

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Uva academy at 10:15 am

Rainbow dash & sunset shimmer is back at uva academy again for a tour and inside entrance hall in few seconds ago. Sunset wearing orange off shoulders shirt with short blue overhaul and sneakers. Got two short pigtails on both sides of her head, and rainbow dash wearing white loosing shirt, orange camo shorts still got pokebelt around belt loop, and shoes.

Sunset: "are you ready for a tour at uva academy that I'm working here on Monday, dashie."

Rainbow: "yup."

"Hello there."

They saw eren Yeager & lara Ketchum walk up with friendly smiles and lar says to them, "you two must be rainbow dash & sunset shimmer what dictator Nenoma told us about yesterday. I am lara Ketchum and this is my boyfriend and current paldean champion, eren Yeager. We will be your tour guides for today." Flutter mane walk pass them to the left towards bookshelves to put some books inside that leave the duo speechless again when eren said to them in kindness, "you two already noticed past paradox flutter mane as our entrance hall Liberian assistance that we here in now. We can check in at the front desk to take classes."

Rainbow: "really you guys wondering the academy that you like."

Eren: "yup."

Rainbow: "not bad."

They take them upstairs to right side of entrance hall heading their 2nd tour is cafeteria as they walked pass by uva academy tc-series protocol droid left side of corridor.

It begins speak to them with friendly female robotic voice, "greetings

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It begins speak to them with friendly female robotic voice, "greetings." That's surprised them to see cybernetic robot here in uva academy for first time as eren said to them, "that's uva academy tc-series protocol droid to aid our staffs in need along with protocol droids." Sunset replied, "that's good, did staffs built that protocol droids?"

Lara: "no, it's friends of ours built it in their garage back in the day along with astromech droid, and every type of service droids."

Sunset: "it's very sweet for them doing that to built them."

Rainbow: "I hope we can meet them someday for first time."

Both of them little bit agreed with rainbow & sunset about to meet with flash sentry and heads of section as they arrived at cafeteria with lara begins explain to them, "this is cafeteria that kind ladies working in the cafeteria make delicious, nutritious fare every day." Sunset replied, "sounds yummy because i am vegan that I can't eat meat."

Rainbow: "that's true."

Lara: "no need to worry sunset, we got delicious and nutritious salads that lunch ladies can make."

Sunset happily: "wonderful."


They turned around to kind chairman of paldea league and the school board mrco dobt who begins introducing himself to them, "I'm Marco dobt, the chairman of paldea region league and chairman of uva academy. You must be new Miriam new nurse assistance. Ms. Shimmer right." Sunset replied, "yes sir."

Marco: "wonderful, I'm very happy for having you on board at uva academy as part time. What about you, Ms. Dash."

Rainbow: "I'm starting working at rough & tough same Monday as full time."

Marco: "good job and have fun on the tour you two."

Rainbow/sunset: "we will."

After they bid farewell to him and continue on next tour inside the uva academy, meanwhile at crystal prep academy command center with Skye Ketchum and aria blaze from equestria girls atlernative universe 7: sciset diary edition enter the room with them, then aria say to them in little polite, "did wild tera pokemon show up yet at pinkie universe."

Principal mayham: "not yet you two just wait like the others."

Commander dusk: "if they show up I send one of you guys battle it."

Skye: "great, me and aria got plenty of time doing pokemon practice at soccer field for wild tera pokemon mission."

Aria: "you said it sister."

[End part 1 of this chapter. I'll make another one on Thursday]

Two universe

Pokemon original universe on Wednesday at 10:20 am

Equestria girls alternative universe three on Thursday at 10:20 am

sunsetdash chronicles Vol. 1:  new life at paldea regionWhere stories live. Discover now