beware of mega weavile

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Equestria girls alternative universe 3 during 11:35 am

In the forest close to crystal prep academy, there centiskare crawling around through snowy forest for a moment until marble size gigantamax energy orb rose up from the snow flying straight toward centiskare quick began affected with gigantamax energy to glow gigantamax phenomenon aura inside of him started growing really fast and transformed into gigantamax centiskare.

And winter sky turned into gigantamax dark sky with he turned his head to the left staring at crystal prep academy from couple miles away  and began crawling toward the school fast

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And winter sky turned into gigantamax dark sky with he turned his head to the left staring at crystal prep academy from couple miles away  and began crawling toward the school fast.

At crystal prep academy with Rachel Wilson with mega stone earring in right ear, sunny heart, and dean candace in winter jacket exit the building to parking lot see gigantamax sky, sunny says to Rachel Wilson with pleasant smile, "gigantamax pokemon show up here in this alternative universe for first time ever." Rachel replied, "yup." They spotted several trees coming down really fast by gigantamax centiskare straight toward soccer field and stop in middle of field having stare down at trio in the parking lot close to the field as they pull out pokeball in their hands and toss it in the air.

Dean Candice: "beedrill, spotlight!"

Rachel: "let's go, weavile!"

Sunny: "come out, scream tail!"

The trio come out their pokeball to snowy outside having stare down at gigantamax centiskare with weavile got mega stone wristband in right wrist like Rachel Wilson's mega stone earring.

Rachel: "it's mega evolution time, buddy."

She reached her hand to grab mega stone earring began pressed it began powered up with mega evolution energy come out from the earring flying straight to mega stone wristband cause weavile going mega evolution into mega weavile.

Sunny: "nice mega evolution form, dudette

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Sunny: "nice mega evolution form, dudette."

Rachel: "thanks. Okay buddy use quick attack!"

Sunny: "Zen headbutt!"

The due went incredible speed toward gigantamax centiskare to deliver double attack in upper jaw with direct hit and medium critical damage, then gigantamax centiskare use g-max pin missile on them until they called block at once "dodge it!' They dodge g-max pin missile from right and left as dean candace's beedrill fly above gigantamax centiskare with a surprise attack when dean candace called out sneak attack, "use hyper beam!" She fired hyper beam from the stringers toward gigantamax centiskare but he use protection to stop the attack.

Rachel: "use mega dark pulse!"

He take a leap in front of gigantamax centiskare begins fire mega dark pulse in the face is super effective with heavily critical damage caused gigantamax centiskare began shrinking down quick into normal state along with the sky make every students inside the windows started to cheer really loud for the trio defeated gigantamax centiskare for first time with centiskare walk to the trio with their pokemon.

Rachel: "I'm glad you alright from gigantamax energy, buddy. Come on I'll take you to section 17 storage room so staffs will take care of you when wild tera pokemon catcher pick you as their partner."

Centiskare: "centiskare, cen."

Sunny: "he's very happy about it."

Back with the love birds just arrived at uva academy schoolyard to see several uva students talking each other then rainbow got flattop said to her girlfriend with surprise, "this academy look fancy and nice like crystal prep academy from our former alternative universe, babe." Sunset replied, "yup, come on let's talked with dictator nemona about hiring me a job."

Rainbow: "you got it sunset."

[New chapter is out for today]

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