meet the captain

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The door open forward really wide to reveal audino with a smile on her face to see captain sentry, Alice got pokebelt around blue shorts, and Zeke standing on front porch.

Captain sentry: "good morning audino, is rainbow & sunset awake?"

She nodded her head to response begins finger at left side of house leds to kitchen for them enter inside with audino closed the door after that to join them inside the kitchen with the love birds are who sitting in a table eating their breakfast.

Captain sentry: "good morning girls, I'm glad to meet you for first time, hehehe."

Both of them in shock of disbelief to see grown up flash sentry right front of them with three dragon claws scare in right eye, full goatee, and wedding ring in right ring finger cause rainbow drop her spoon to bowl of oatmeal made little bit mess, that caused zeke and Alice confused bit when captain sentry said to them with halfway serious tone, "can we talk at living room." Sunset replied, "of course sir."



sunset and rainbow sitting in a couch staring at captain sentry sitting in a lounge chair with scared expression on their faces while Alice begins explore the house with Zeke & audino, he told them about deadly pandemic that people turned into zombies (aka them) from highschool of the dead original universe and including he told about her father killed by coward survivor with knife tied up at back of broom right front of her.

Sunset: "what about her mother?"

Captain sentry: "he said to Alice" They going to meet her later" but we presume she's dead and turned into one of them."

Rainbow: "dude, that messed up."

Captain sentry: "that's why I ask you two, you wanna be adopted teenager parents for Alice as your adopted daughter."

They surprise about captain offered to be adopted teenager parents for Alice as their adopted daughter as sunset look at her girlfriend with a smile while place one hand on right thigh and said, "what do you say, honey. I'm thinking about planning started a family after we getting married after graduation at chs in our former alternative universe and she looked up to you as role model." Rainbow replied with pride smile, "let do it honey."

Captain sentry: "excellent, welcome to parenthood you two, but I need talked with dictator nemona to enroll Alice at uva academy student as new student probably six days along with new uniform and starter pokemon."

Sunset: "sounds good sir, we walked home together in the afternoon."

On cue the trio show up the living room from upper right doorway after exploring the whole house with sunset and rainbow get up the couch see her happily.

Sunset: "sweetie, me and rainbow are  your adopted parents for first time."

Alice happily: "really."

rainbow: "you know it squirt."

She runs towards them quick to give hug got tears pouring down of joy to have adopted parents for first time make the group really happy.

[New chapter is out for today]

sunsetdash chronicles Vol. 1:  new life at paldea regionWhere stories live. Discover now