vs rampage charmamder

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The loud house universe 3: 90's edition

Royal woods, Michigan during 2:35 pm on Thursday September 15th, 1994

At Royal woods middle school backyard with an magical green portal appear in middle of middle facing toward the school in few feet away begun open up to reveal section 20 Northwest corridor with commander sandalwood from equestria girls alternate world number 2 in wild rampage Pokemon buster armor along with cadet aoi izumizawa from love flop original universe in modern era edition without harem and science fiction exit through the portal to outside and the portal closed after that.

Sandalwood: "are you ready to caught unknown rampage Pokemon, cadet."

Aoi: "yes commander."


They turn around to see rampage charmamder standing there in 9 feet away from them started to grow into mashstomp with purple maroon marks in both ribs, purple marks on finger tips with poison oil come up from the tips, and purple ooze like fire on tip of tail He's poison and fire type pokemon. That cue for sandalwood & aoi pulled out their pokeball in their hands began called out their pokemon

Sandalwood: "come out, drifloon!"

Aoi: "you too, azirian totodile!"

They come out their pokeball to outside in a one against two pokemon battle with sandalwood called out the attack, "use will-o-wisp!" He fire sinister flames toward rampage charmander quick with direct hit in upper chest is super effective and medium halfway critical damage.

Aoi: "use dig!"

He burrow in the ground toward the rampage charmander quick and come out of surprise from the hole deliver a punch but he delivered a sneak attack with Zen headbutt on the stomach is little bit effective.

Sandalwood: "use thunderbolt!"

He fire thunderbolt at off guard rampage charmander quick is super effective and almost heavily critical damage make him started to glowing ramage aura inside of him begin shrinking down into normal state with dizzy, that cue for aui pulled out another pokeball in right hand and start throwing toward dizzy pokemon and start capture him with red beam to went inside pokeball who fall down on the grass gentle begins lock him up after that.

Sandalwood: "way to go cadet. Go ahead and received it."

Aoi: "yes commander."

"That amazing, surg."

He turned around of surprise to see meryl Farrel & principal Ramirez come out from the building toward him and said, "no problem, we're just doing our job as wild rampage pokemon busters." Then principal Ramirez got a good idea inside of her head for a second and said to commander nicely, "tomorrow is career day with adults talking about their jobs to students in auditorium so you come over to tell them about your job."

Sandalwood: "of course ma'am, I'll be honored."

Principal Ramirez: "great, be here on Monday at 10:45 am."

Sandalwood: "sounds good."

[New chapter is out for today]

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