brushed jade surprised news

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Canterlot high school at 3:18 pm

Dusk pearl inside main office is sitting at her desk typing on computer for a while before heading home until brushed jade enter office while wearing open up blue winter coat to reveal regular green shirt, blue jeans with pokebelt around belt loop, and sneakers. She approach the desk to see her girlfriend with charming look, "hey there beautiful, I got surprised news to you tell." She replied without looking at jade still typing on the computer, "what kind of surprised news is it, honey?" Brushed jade says, "me and moonlight join section 23 as wild tera pokemon catcher." Cause dusk pearl stop typing a minute with huge wide eye  to look at her girlfriend got shocking expression and said, "the section 23, babe. It own by legendary hero of universe Armin arlelt, the dino handler and former Titan shifter."

Brushed jade: "the one and only, hotstuff but don't everyone about it in this school."

Dusk pearl: "it's a serect government organization underground base the whole trost city."

Brushed jade: "well it's the whole paradis island since four years ago."

Dusk: "really, that's great. Anyway I'm proud of you join section 23 after quitting as police officer with moonlight."

Brushed jade: "thanks. I got klawf from paldea region along with arbok, flakik, and wugtrio."

Dusk: "two paldean pokemon from paldea region, huh, not bad but I wanna see paldea region look like from pokemon original universe."

Brushed: "captain arlelt so kind for let me having our anniversary over there on Thursday in Pokemon original universe through next Friday as romantic vacation."

She happy about going to paldea region with her girlfriend for first as anniversary romantic vacation/Christmas break from working and report of anon-a-miss person since day one, she said to her in surprised, "you're the best honey, I hope you get VIP hotel room with soundproof bedroom." Brushed take a hint with pevy grin to look down her girlfriend e-cup breasts inside business blouse for 31 yrs old woman for a second and look up to see erotic dusk pearl.

Brushed: "aww yeah, I can't wait for it."

At music room with sweetie belle sitting in 1st step reading Scarlet book while waiting for scootaloo come by and she turned next page of new chapter, beware of lurking Shadow

At music room with sweetie belle sitting in 1st step reading Scarlet book while waiting for scootaloo come by and she turned next page of new chapter, beware of lurking Shadow

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She started reading it, "this feral beast lurks in trees and will show no mercy to its prey. They are known to be extremely aggressive and will not hesitate to attack." Make She scared bit and continue flipping the page to next chapter is 100,000 yrs old blastoise

She started reading again, "a creature that said to be a blastoise that has lived for 100,000 yrs to can stores an enormous amount of electric energy inside the shells on it fists

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She started reading again, "a creature that said to be a blastoise that has lived for 100,000 yrs to can stores an enormous amount of electric energy inside the shells on it fists. It could shattered the ground with a single blast." She got even more scared about another dangerous past paradox pokemon like lurking Shadow and was about to turn next page of new chapter."

"Hey sweetie belle."

She give out scared yelp to turned right to see scootaloo enter the music room with confused look and she began calm down after that to see her friend as scootaloo says, "I'm sorry to scared you, sweetie belle." She replied, "no need to worry scootaloo, I was reading my book that I got at book store since three days ago. So are we waiting for apple bloom." Scootaloo replied, "yup."

Sweetie: "you wanna join me to read another chapter while waiting for apple bloom."

Scootaloo: "sure."

[New chapter is out for today]

sunsetdash chronicles Vol. 1:  new life at paldea regionWhere stories live. Discover now