lunch chat

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During lunch period with skystar & pinkie holding lunch tray with their food start walking towards rainbooms personal table with rest of rainbooms who noticed them as rarity says kindly to pinkie, "pinkie, darling, I see you got new girl sit with us on her first day of school." Pinkie replied, "you know it, rare." They begin sitting in a chair next to fluttershy, sci twi, and applejack when sunset ask skystar a question, "how's your first day of school doing so far, skystar." She replied, "great, thanks you for asking me, ummmm."

Sunset: "sunset shimmer and this is my friends."

Applejack: "howday ah'm applejack apple."

Rainbow: "what's up, I'm rainbow dash."

Rarity: "I am rarity belle."

Fluttershy: "very nice to meet you, I'm fluttershy breeze."

Sci twi: "twilight sparkle at your service. And you already know pinkie pie since 1st period."

She started to blush lightly on her cheeks after swallowing strawberry from the salad through throat begin replied back to her in kindness, "yeah, anyway pinkie told me about you guys in the band called the rainbooms, that's pretty cool." Rainbow replied, "that's right skystar, we can performance for everyone in canterlot city if they need us. Probably someday you join us as 7th member of rainbooms."

Skystar: "of course, I love to sing beautiful when I was little."

Sci twi: "wonderful, you join me as 2nd backup vocalist."

Skystar: "sure."

She noticed hoppip flying pass them in left side towards somewhere in the cafeteria when rainbow dash said to her, "you didn't notice we got magical creatures called pokemon in canterlot city, huh." Skystar replied, "where they come from, lately?"

Sci twi: "they come from original universe called pokemon world with magical powers and they show up here since five years ago to stay or visit."

Skystar very happily: "that's great, they getting along with normal animals."

Applejack: "eeyup. But watch out for wild tera pokemon because they got effective with Terastal phenomenon from the crystals seep come out from the ground."

Skystar: "really?"

Sunset: "yeah, don't worry our friends called wild tera pokemon catchers will take care of it."

Skystar: "wild tera pokemon catchers?"

Rainbow: "there group of people in jumpsuit with pokebelt around the beltloop come out from portal to unknown building will take care of it as professionals to battle it and captured it with pokeballs."

Sunset: "they keep it to join the team or put them in pokemon storage for new wild tera pokemon catcher chose it as their partners."

Skystar surprise about hearing about this for first time in canterlot high school and she say to her new friends kindly, "did you guys saw them battle against wild tera pokemon?" Rainbow replied, "yup, all the time. They're really nice in person." And applejack says to skystar in kindness, "you will getting meet them fer first time when wild tera pokemon show up soon." Skystar replied, "sure." They continue eating their lunch in the cafeteria during lunch period.

Caba poco, paldea region

Sunset and rainbow enter their home with two paint cans in rainbow's hands because she going to decoration their mailbox in few minutes with her girlfriend when she placed two paint cans on floor right next to the couch and said to her girlfriend, "let relaxed on the couch and watching tv, babe." Sunset replied with erotic expression on her face, "sure sweetheart, with two cup of milk to drink."

Rainbow: "sounds yummy."

They entered the kitchen with rainbow dash walk up to cabinet and open up reallywide reveal glass cups with rainbow grab two cups and turned around at the counter of surprise to see sunset half naked with breasts hanging out and her hands placed the table in seperate ways, she then placed glass cups on the table above the breasts to start pressed the nipples together and squeeze them down into the cup cause milk come out to the cup make sunset moan in pleasure with erotic mode got tongue stick out.

Sunset: "oh...dashie i love much."

Soon, the cups becoming completely full of sunset's milk and rainbow give little bit weak sunset a quick kiss in the lips, she says to her, "I love you, babe."

Sunset: "I love you too, dashie, we're lucky to stay here in pladea region as new life. We started making love in every morning and night as we want."

Rainbow: "yup. We don't miss our former friends and family because they're ruined our life forever."

Sunset: "you said it babe."

[New chapter is out for today]

sunsetdash chronicles Vol. 1:  new life at paldea regionWhere stories live. Discover now