first housewarming gift (short)

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The door open forward really wide to reveal rainbow and sunset see friendly section 17 male staff standing on outside front porch almost sundown like 7:46 pm while holding gift basket and audino standing left next to him.

Male staff: "hey guys, here's gift basket and audino as housewarming gift for you from captain sentry, and audino help around the house while you two went to work as housekeeper."

They smile happy got their first housewarming gift from captain sentry of section 17 but they wanted to meet him as well when rainbow dash said to the staff in polite, "I asked you something?" He replied, "shoot."

Sunset: "we need meet him sometimes so he looked like in person."

Male staff: "I talk to him at section 17 about meeting you two if he's not busy for something, that's okay with you two."

Sunset: "of course, we won't mind at all."

Rainbow: "yeah."

Male staff: "sounds good."

[New short chapter is out for today]

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