the letter [edited]

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Both rainbow dash and sunset shimmer running downstairs to first floor from second floor become scared on their faces with sunset look at rainbow that she crushed on and said, "where are we rainbow, it definitely not my adopted parents building in canterlot city." Rainbow replied, "I agree with you, sunset." They heading to the kitchen decided look around over there first and they surprise to see kitchen look beautiful & fancy, rainbow says to sunset, "well I got admitted this kitchen look beautiful that you can cook of it, sunset." She blushed on her cheeks to hear from rainbow about she can cook of it and they noticed letter in middle of table with two rotom phone and one pokebelt right next to it at three feet away when they approach the mystery letter with rainbow grab it and started reading the letter with sunset by her side.

"Dear sunset shimmer and rainbow dash of equestria girls alternative universe three

Let me introduced myself, I'm flash sentry the head of section 17 from my original universe. Sorry about my agents put you two unconscious with clofoam in a rag but right thing to do that because my friend Connie Springer the sorcerer supreme from his original universe to see the future from your alternative universe since five days ago and it's pretty scary so we decided put you two in a house that you are now at cabo poco, paldea region in pokemon original universe to start new life while your clones take your place at canterlot high for now on.

We got new clothes, money, and food for you include rotom phones & pokebelts got pokemon inside. That's all. And welcome to paldea region you two as new home.

From: flash sentry."

"P.S. you two got house keys on the hanger right next to front door and the book on coffee table in living room it tell you about paldea region and their customs."

They're was scared bit about the person got same name like flash sentry from their universe but they're happy and agreed with him about his friend see the future it's pretty scary since five days ago and started new life at paldea region in pokemon original universe for now on.

Rainbow: "well I guess to find me a job in the city like full time after exploring it first."

Sunset arm crossed underneath her d-cup breasts with kindness and said, "we need read the book about paldea region and their customs in halfway then eat some breakfast for us, huh dashie." She replied after give sunset a kiss on right cheek, "you got it sunset."

Meanwhile back at their former alternative universe 3

Crystal prep academy during 6:55 am with sunny heart in her female crystal prep uniform getting something inside her locker for a moment and she stop with pleasant smile.

Sunny: "I'm happy for rainbow and her new girlfriend stayed at paldea region as new home, do you agreed ymir Reiss."

She turned around to see ymir Reiss arms crossed and leaning against behind the locker with smug grin, she replied back to her in kindness, "I agree dudette and don't worry you join the others face against Titan pokemon very soon after all you join section 17 as wild tera pokemon since two years ago in this universe." Sunny replied, "yup."

[New edited chapter is out for today]

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