Alice in section 17

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Alice and Zeke at wild tera pokemon mission control room with captain Eldian & party favor got little bit sadness on their faces about her father death.

Alice: "wow this mission control room is big like music theater in the city."

Zeke: "woof."

Captain Eldian: "yup, if wild tera pokemon been spotted in one of universe to summoning tera shards and transform into Terastallzed pokemon so we send our catchers go battle it and captured after that."

Party favor: "or we check over there to check on everyone or every creatures."

Alice: "you guys handle them all the time."

Party favor: "yup like professionals."

She and Zeke surprises about new strangers captured wild tera pokemon from other universes as professional wild tera pokemon catchers when the original namoi was from high school of the dead original universe some reason in section 17 jumpsuit got green stripes in both sides and pokebelt around beltloop enter control room with them to see little girl and the puppy.

Naomi: "so this is little girl that master Jedi Sasha and the other saved."

Captain Eldian: "yup."

She was about to say something to Alice when alarm goes little bit loud that's mean wild tera pokemon has been spotted in one of universe and Naomi said, "hey, hey, hey, their playing our song. Come on kiddo, you two come with me at unknown universe for me battle against wild tera pokemon for first time." Alice replied, "sure."

At main lobby with captain sentry got serious look at Jedi master Sasha brau and captain glimmer as she said to him, "we going to do what with the zombies, sir." He replied, "take them to dragon land in equestria and tossed it in lava pit to burn." Captain glimmer said, "of course what about the girl father?"

Captain sentry: "bring it to her at wild tera mission control room so she see him for final time."

Male staff walk up to them got Takashi motorcycle some reason and he said to him, "got motorcycle from the house that you requested sir, what we going to do with it." Captain sentry got huge grin on his face and said, "give it to rainbow dash of course after built it into hovering motorcycle, it's good thing you receive it while captain glimmer and other killings the zombies to save the little girl earlier."

Rika's house

Takashi: "hey! what happened to my motorcycle?"

They saw empty spot what his motorcycle use to be with confused look on their faces when suddenly, shiny gengar rose up from the ground that spook them bit as gengar rise letter up forward in front of them for Takashi grabbed the letter from him nicely and disappeared after that.

Takashi look at the letter began reading it, "we took your motorcycle, sorry ;) and don't worry about the zombies blocked the streets because they froze in ice beam by froslass and smashed into pieces with pawmot's thunderbolt for you and your friends escape easily.

From: the agents of section 17." They happily for agents from section 17 place to do that with those weird creatures to escape easily except for Takashi with sad look on his face about they took their motorcycle without being noticed while being patted on the back by rei gentle.

[New chapter is out for today]

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