debut of rampage phenomenon

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Equestria girls alternative universe 6

When school over with everyone exit the school heading home or hanging out somewhere especially the rainbooms and skystar exit back entrance to parking lot until they stop to see wild pawni standing behind school's garden entrance but pawmi look different some reason he siza like chansey with glowing yellow eyes and red tips on top hair is very spiky, and got red vines in both ribs. He got dark aura inside of him.

Skystar: "what the heck?"

Sunset: "um girls, I don't think isn't terastal phenomenon and this is new unknown phenomenon that I never seen before."

Fluttershy: "it's pretty scary you asked me."

Then suddenly a portal show between back entrance and them in six feet away facing them as they look back see it begins open up to reveal crystal prep academy Northeast corridor with aria blaze and Skye Ketchum enter through the portal to parking lot with them who noticed to see unknown phenomenon pawni.

Aria: "woah! I'm crazy right now or I see full size pawni in front of us."

Applejack: "your not crazy, sugarcube."

Skye: "I thought it's terastal phenomenon."

Rarity: "I thought too, darling."

Both them decided battle it while pull out pokeball in their hands and toss it in the air, they called out their pokemon.

Aria: "let's go, iron jet!"

Skye: "iron jaw, I choose you!"

They came out from their pokeball to face pawni in unknown phenomenon while behind the group in 5 feet away and aria called out the attack for iron jet, "use electro ball!" It curl electro ball from the mouth straight to pawni but he take leap in the air dodge the attack toward iron jet with thunder fang in upper lip

Skye: "use metal claw!"

He take a leap in front of pawmi with metal claw to slash in right side of his face with one slash is super affected and almost heavily critical damage when pawmi falling straight to pavement with medium impact with small amount of wind for a second and clear to reveal pond size crater with normal state pawmi laying down within his back with little bit damage as he getting up on his feet began walk from the crater started walking in all fours towards the group as he take a leap into fluttershy arms with off-guard.

Aria pulled out rotom phone quick and said to it, "called professor waltz in video mode." Rotom phone start calling professor waltz in video mode as it flew out from aria hand in front of them at 3 feet away and the screen turned on with professor waltz inside his laboratory to see aria and the rest.

Aria: "professor, we got a problem?"

Professor waltz: "what kind of problem is it, my dear."

Sunset: "me and my friends got encounter wild pawmi come out from school garden with unknown phenomenon that we never seen before."

Professor waltz: "describe it to me."

Rainbow: "he tall size like chansey with yellow glowing eyes, red tips on top of his head, red vines in both ribs. But he returns to normal after defeat by iron jet and iron jaw."

He become scared what rainbow dash talking about and he said to them in fear, "you girls have been encounter with rampage phenomeno pokemon. It's phenomeno from agogos region that every type of wild pokemon goes frenzy, and causing them to grow in size and power after exposed it to rampage vein's health falls below half it can become overcome by the power of rampage with dark aura and showing aggressively behavior." Sunset replied, "that mean we're facing wild rampage pokemon for first time."

Professor waltz: "indeed my dear. I should tell head of sections about this."

Aria: "good idea professor."

He bid farewell to them with rotom phone hanging out on him and flew back to aria's right palm and they become scared for first time having rampage phenomeno dealing with like Gigantamax and terastal phenomenon.

[New chapter is out for today]

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