debut of megazord forge form

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Equestria girls alternate world number one: sunset pie edition

On Saturday April 15th, 2019 at canterlot city, California at 11:15 am

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On Saturday April 15th, 2019 at canterlot city, California at 11:15 am

Starswirled music festival in day one, at backstage with postcrush talking to Dirk thistleweed for a moment until they heard unknown cry from behind them at eleven feet away, "diggersby!" They face toward in shocked to see glimmering navalin diggersby standing there outside of the stage to summon tera shard rose up from the grass began absorb him in couple of seconds and broke into pieces to reveal terastallzied navalin diggersby with ghost type tera shard crown on top of his head.

Kiwi: "oh boy, that doesn't sound good."

Then suddenly a portal show up left next to them in 3⅔ feet away begun opened up to reveal section 23 Northwest corridor with shiragiko ono from goddess cafe terrace original universe in section 23 jumpsuit got dark blue stripes in both sides and pokebelt around beltloop, sonic canary, yumiko satō from the many sides of voice actor radio original universe, pepper stark, and Lady Phoenix come out from portal to outside see terastallzied navalin diggersby.

Pepper: "it's showtime girls."

They pull out pokeball in hands begun toss it in the air to call out their Pokemon.

Shiragiko: "come out, iroadent!"

Yumiko: "you too, cocaran chestnaught!"

They come out from pokeball to outside facing against terastallzied navalin diggersby while being Joined by sonic canary and Lady Phoenix, then shiragiko called out the attack for iroadent, "bullet seed!" Navalin diggersby use his ears to protect himself from bullet seed and yumiko said to chestnaught, "coconut cannon!" He fire one coconut from cannon straight toward terastallzied navalin diggersby in incredible speed and direct hit on the forehead is super effective and half quarter damage.

Dirk: "yee-haw! way to go kid."

Kiwi: "that showing him who boss."

Sonic canary use super speed toward diggersby while team up with Lady Phoenix got Phoenix punch inside left hand delivered double hit on the stomach with kick and Phoenix punch make medium critical damage. Then they back to the group for shiragiko called out another attack, "razor leaf!" But he use shadow claw to slice the razor leafs into piece as sneak attack, then suddenly at front gate entrance in the third row with rainbow dash, twilight sparkle, and fluttershy are line with several people toward checkpoint until they heard a cheetah roar from behind when they turned around in shocked to see wild force white tiger zord in horse size running across the road toward them for a second and take a huge leap above toward the festival that speechless by everyone.

Rainbow: "what in the world was that?"

Fluttershy: "I don't know dashie."

White tiger zord still running through the festival toward the stage to give out powerful roar echo the whole festival with everyone hear it and Dirk said to them in confused, "what was that roar coming from?" Pepper know that familiar roar before with huge grin on her face and said, "it's wild force white tiger zord."

Postcrush/Dirk thistleweed: "the what!"

It arrived at backstage with them and started glowing some reason begun disappear for a second and reappear inside Corcoran chestnaught right hand to reveal hand cannon got white tiger zord face in front with cannon inside the mouth make the group speechless of disbelief to see it.

Dirk: "woah Nelly!"

Pepper: "what in the world? I didn't see that coming."

Sonic canary: "me too Mrs. Stark, it's look new form for megazord animals I believe."

Lady Phoenix: "you're right canary, we should tell captain sentry about it."

Pepper: "good thinking kiddo."

Yumiko: "okay buddy, use icicle beam blast!"

He fired icicle energy like beam from cannon toward terastallzied navalin diggersby quick and direct hit is super effective with almost heavily critical damage caused tera shard shattered for returning navalin diggersby to normal with dizzy that cue for yumiko throw heal ball toward him and captured him with pink beam went inside the ball whom falling down on the grass gently started lock him up.

Yumiko: "alright I caught navalin diggersby!"

Supernova: "way to go girl. You caught him."

Dirk: "yee-haw."

[New chapter is out for today]

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