meet the Yeagers

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Section 44 transport shuttle flying above the sea in 24 foot away toward paldea region during 11:45 am on Thursday morning

Inside passenger cargo hold with brushed jade and her girlfriend sitting right side of passenger cargo who headed over there as theirs 1st anniversary romantic trip for today through next Friday to relax from anon-a-miss problem at their alternative universe, when dusk pearl look right at brushed jade with a smile on her face and said, "this is best our 1st anniversary romantic trip to paldea region for first time ever with you, honey." Brushed smirk grin to Replied back to her girlfriend, "anytime for my hot girlfriend. They have flying taxi to served by flock of squawkbillies because they can't use corviknight to serve as a taxi service in paldea region anymore."

Dusk: "why?"

Brushed: "they got their own natural predator over there, tinkaton, she can knock rocks into the sky with its hammer, aiming for flying corviknight."

Dusk: "yikes."

The shuttle almost arrived at paldea region in few minutes heading to landing pad at port marinada in West paldean sea to land. Meanwhile at town of Artzaon in east province with the love birds already arrived who got surprised look to see the town look beautiful with windmill in middle of town.

Rainbow: "this Artzaon town look amazing to have windmill, Artzaon gym, and everything."

Sunset: "you said it dashie."

They walked around the battlefield in right side to give Artzaon town civilians friendly wave as they walking by and they're really friendly people in this town until they stop to see Mr and Mrs. Yeager with Azumarill approach them and Dina Yeager says kindly to them, "you two must be new in paldea region right." Sunset replied, "yup since before yesterday we live a house uphill at cabo poco in South province to start new life from our former alternative universe." They're surprised about them staying here as new life in paldea region from their former alternative universe like they did back in the day and grisha said to them kindly, "let have lunch together at barato's together and getting know to each other."

Dina: "that's wonderful idea, dear."

Rainbow: "sure."

Sunset: "why not."

Back at Springfield elementary school in Simpsons universe 4: 2018 edition during 11:49 am

With principle Skinner walking through the hallway toward teacher lounge with bag lunch in left hand until he stop to see arcadian yamask walk pass him in left side toward somewhere in the school with him pull out rotom phone from his pocket turned around at yamask from behind to scan in couple of second and information pop out with rotom phone explain to principal Skinner with Brian Griffin from family guy, "yamask, the spirit Pokemon, rock and ghost type, and arcadian form: this pokemon is said to have been born from an ancient piller possessed by a tormented soul. Its wonders the ruins in search of others like him."

Ms. Hoover: "that's sweet."

Groundskeeper willie: "yup."

Pokedex: "arcadian yamask has been registered in your pokedex as number 1."

Ms. Hoover: "huh, neat."

[New chapter is out for today]

sunsetdash chronicles Vol. 1:  new life at paldea regionWhere stories live. Discover now