captain arlelt idea [edited]

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Section 23-second floor briefing room 2-C with captain arlelt, other heads of section, professor waltz, professor butterscotch, fluttershy breeze, and misty fly as heads of sections shock in disbelief about hearing new phenomenon called rampage from agogos region turned every type of wild pokemon goes frenzy to grow in size and power but they went normal when they defeat it in five times from professor waltz mouth.

Captain sentry: "we getting new occupation for catching wild rampage pokemon from every original universe alternative universes, and alternate worlds."

Captain simpson: "good idea flash."

Captain venderquack: "we need leader, commander, Sergeant,  lieutenant, and captain for this new occupation."

Captain fry #1: "new armor, it will be out in 3 days."

Captain fry #2: "including every type of pokemon as their partner to defeat and catch it every type of rampage pokemon."

"I got it."

They look at Armin to the left with discovery grin on his face when flash says little surprise to his best friend, "you do, buddy." He replied, "yup, I got new occupation for rampage phenomeno pokemon, it's wild rampage pokemon busters. When wild rampage pokemon show up from every multiverses going on rampage and started attacking everyone so we send our wild rampage pokemon busters take care of it with their wild rampage pokemon busters partners but they getting help with dawn cerise and the rest to defeat it and captured after that to join the team or put them in pokemon storage. What do you guys think."

Captain sentry: "good thinking buddy."

Captain simpson: "not bad at all."

Captain fry #2: "yeah, we need set up rampage pokemon mission control room and person need to be charge of it. Probably 3 weeks."

Captain sentry: "good thinking Leela."

He look at misty fly and fluttershy breeze from equestria girls alternative universe 6 in a second and said to the girls, "how you guys do like to be leader and captain of wild rampage pokemon busters." They very surprised for captain offered to sign them up as leader and captain of wild rampage pokemon, fluttershy breeze says kindly to captain sentry, "we're in, Mr. Sentry."

Captain sentry: "atta girl, captain fluttershy breeze. What about you, leader misty fly"

Misty fly: "I like it boss."

Captain sentry: "good, we send our agents to multiverses recruiting everyone or every creature as wild rampage pokemon busters.

Captain simpson: "good thinking flash. Let Do it right now until nighttime or dusk."

Professor waltz: "wonderful idea, Mrs. Simpson."

Professor butterscotch: "indeed."

Meanwhile at skystar house with skystar enter the house as she closed the door and locked it after that, she walking towards the living to see her mother sitting in a couch watching TV with dishiver by her side, when she noticed her daughter in the living room and she says to her kindly, "hey sweetie how first day of school today." Skystar replied, "great, I made new friends at school today, it's the rainbooms." Both novo & dishiver very happy for skystar made new friends at canterlot high on her first day of school, it's the rainbooms."

Novo: "honey, I got surprised for you."

Skystar walk up to red lavender recliner chair right next to the couch in 2½ feet away and she place her backpack to the floor next to her as sitting down in a chair. She looking at her mother directly and says, "what kind of surprised is it, mom?" Nova got small grin on her face begins replied with excitement to skystar, "honey, congratulations you join section 44 as serect agent & wild tera pokemon catcher." Skystar eyes went wide and open mouth of surprised disbelief about hearing  section 44  from her mother mouth when she replied back with surprised to her mother, "the section 44 that own by legendary heroine of universes, Webby venderquack."

Novo "the one and only, kiddo, it right thing to do that to make your father proud from heaven right now."

Skystar: "yeah."

Novo: "pull out your phone, sweetie."

She pulled out pink smartphone from her right pocket that mother told her to do it when she pulled out pokeball in right hand begins called out pokemon, "come out, rotom." He come out from pokeball floating in mid-air that surprised skystar bit and Novo said to her, "hold it high, sweetie." She hold her smartphone high in front of rotom who went inside skystar's smartphone when she raised it down to stare down at her phone transform into rotom phone with Novo started to explain to her daughter nicely, "it's called rotom phone, and also served as pokedex."

Skystar: "awesome, thanks mom."

Novo: "no problem sweetie, but someone help you to learn every type of pokemon weakness while on wild tera pokemon mission."

Skystar: "who is it then?"

[New edited chapter is out for tonight]

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