getting know each other

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The Yeagers and the love bird sitting in a picnic table at right side of artazon town gym.

Sunset: "so you two started living here in paldea region too."

Dina: "yup, we like it here with nice people and pokemon over here as new life because our former universe, we were lived at Marley as Eldian getting treated badly by Marleyans."

Grisha: "yup."

They felt bad for them about living at Marley in their former universe and getting treated badly by Marleyans with rainbow ask them kindly, "then happened next, guys?" Dr. Yaeger step in to answer rainbow dash question, "we woke up at captain sentry section 17 in his original universe and meet new people work in section 17. We started living here with me and my pokemon working at flower shop and my husband as a doctor in whole paldea region."

Sunset: "what about your son?"

Grisha: "he attended at uva academy at mesagoza city to made new friends and girlfriend over there. He went his first treasure hunting to face every gym leaders in whole paldea region to earn gym badges to enter paldea league tournament becomes paldea region champion and Bb-league champion at blueberry academy as exchange student in half of a month. Now he married man to rejoined section 17 as wild tera pokemon catcher like his little brother is new paldea region champion."

Sunset: "that's cool for them."

Grisha: "what about you, ms. Shimmer.'

Sunset: "well, I'm former unicorn from equestria who skipped my lesson from my teacher to enter human relam as new home and become bully everyone at chs to ruin friendship."

Rainbow: "not anymore, she became good person getting help princess twilight and my band the rainbooms to defeat the dazzlinge to save the school again."

Grisha: "wonderful hear to that for you, ms. Shimmer."

Dina: "how do you two end up here?"

Sunset/rainbow: "cloafoam."

Dina little scared: "that mean something bad in your former alternate universe, huh."

Rainbow: "yup because male sorcerer name Connie Springer sense the future something really bad in our former alternative universe. So we agree with him and enjoying new life in paldea region."

Grisha: "like the Ketchums did."

Rainbow and sunset become more surprised about another people from their former universe living here too as well on pokemon original universe. Then sunset says nicely to them, "where they living at anyway?" Dina replied, "at levincia city in east province. You two should meet them for first time too as well."

Sunset: "good idea mrs. Yeager, let over there at 7:14 pm on next tuesday."

Rainbow: "good point, babe."

Back at horimiya universe 3 in 12:45 pm

Katagiri senior high school in class 3-5 with kyouko kori sitting in her desk to enjoying lunch with her friends in four corners style until door slides to the right to reveal kyouko kori from horimiya universe 2 along with her girlfriend honoka sawada enter the classroom with them who shocking and confused look to see another kyouko with smug grin and said, "Yo, kyouko Kori, honoka sawada in da house, y'all."

Honoka: "you said it babe."

Cause kyouko kori jaw drop in shocked about hearing her self from second universe dating honoka sawada when they approach their desks with kyouko begins introducing themselves to them, "yo, I'm kyouko kori, section 44 serect agent and wild tera pokemon catcher, and this is my beautiful and hot girlfriend, honoka sawada who join section 44 as wild tera pokemon catcher just like me since four months ago. It's very nice to meet you all." Remi ayasaki replied, "very meet you two too."

Kyouko: "hey kyouko, after school you, your boyfriend, me, and my boo hanging out at school roof as friends."

Kyouko: "umm sure."

Remi: "me and yuki join you guys on school roof too, pretty please."

Kyouko: "of course, dudette."

[New chapter is out for today]

sunsetdash chronicles Vol. 1:  new life at paldea regionWhere stories live. Discover now