the truth

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3:34 pm

Cookie crumbles at the living room sitting in a couch knitting something and Hondo flanks relaxing on lazy boy recliner to enjoy watching TV when they heard a voice by rarity enter the house, "mom, we're home." The sisters enter the living room when they noticed sad frown look on their daughter faces as Honda says worried to rarity, "what's wrong honey?"

Rarity: "father, mother! I ask you guys a question."

Cookie: "sure honey, what is it?"

Rarity: "I was baby? Did I levitate something called the force."

Their parents felt cold chill in their spine with scared expression on their faces to hearing question from rarity make the sisters become confused as sweetie Belle says to them, "what's wrong guys?" Cookie crumble look at rarity with calm look, "honey you better sit down with me because we have private talk just three of us." Rarity and sweetie nodded their heads to agree with their mother for sweetie belle walk up the stairs to her bedroom for rarity walk up the couch to place her bag down and sitting down in a couch left next to her mother for private talk with her parents as Hondo flanks turned off TV with a remote for a while.

Cookie: "honey, me and your father tell you the real truth. You were born at the hospital we shock to see you levitate male nurse off the ground with your hand in few seconds and put him down with both feet touched it."

Rarity: "really I did that?"

Hondo: "you sure did, honey. We don't tell everyone about in hospital or outside of canterlot city ever since."

Cookie: "well, four weeks ago on Monday at home there a spirit of small Green Goblin creature in Gray robe appear in front of us at the living room and he told us, "I see Your daughter is born with the force, hm."

They started explain everything to rarity what ghost  small ghost Green Goblin creature told them everything about the force and Jedi order in 2 minutes, after that they stop explain to rarity who shock expression to have the force this whole time without being noticed until a magical portal show up living room doorway who noticed by the trio as it open up to reveal Jedi temple Northeast corridor in aot original universe with Jedi master may maple walk through the portal to living room with them that rarity know her in council room

Rarity: "what are you doing here?"

May: "the council members decided agree for me teach you in the way of the force as my Padawan."

Rarity: "sounds good to me, master."

May: "you first Jedi training started tomorrow morning at section 23 training ground at 7:15 am sharp, you doing marksman h-combat remote droid."

Rarity: "of course master."

Meanwhile back with fluttershy breeze and misty fly still at section 17 inside break room to meet with new commander, lieutenant, sergeant for section 17 wild rampage pokemon busters squadron for first time.


They getting up their chairs turned around to see nene nishidera, mukai naoya, and aijou rentarou from their universe enter the break room as misty fly says to them kindly, "you guys are commander, lieutenant, and sergeant for section 17 wild rampage pokemon busters squadron." Nene replied, "yup, I'm commander nene nishidera at your service."

Mukai: "you can called me, lieutenant mukai naoya."

Aijou: "sergeant aijou rentarou! Reporting for duty."

Fluttershy: "great, I'm captain fluttershy breeze and this is misty fly, she's the leader of wild rampage pokemon busters."

Mukai: "we're facing new phenomenon called rampage phenomeno like terastal & Gigantamax phenomenon for first time."

Fluttershy: "yup, we hope might getting new recruits of wild rampage pokemon busters from multiverses for today and tomorrow."

Aijou: "me too captain."

"Hey guys."

They turn around to see indigo zap from aot universe 2 got golden wedding ring in right ring finger standing outside of break room with a smile and said, "we got ten recruits just signed up as wild rampage pokemon busters at training ground who meet meet you guys for first time."

Fluttershy: "excellent, lead us the way to training ground."

Indigo zap: "you got it cap."

[New chapter is our for today]

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