Petra first wild tera pokemon

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Aot alternate world number 7: bond edition on Wednesday during 1:24 pm

Old scout regiment headquarters courtyard with mikasa talking to two scouts at right side of courtyard until a brief moment.


They turn right in shocked to see glimmering bellspourt standing there at 7 feet away in front of them for first time especially Petra and her boyfriend with surprised look inside their 2nd floor window so they started running toward 1st floor to courtyard, when a magical purple portal show up facing toward the trio in 4 feet away begins open up reveal section 44 northeast corridor with nami from one piece universe 2 and shuu lura in section 44 jumpsuit got dark green stripes in both sides and pokebelt around belt loop exit through the portal to courtyard with them to see glimmering bellspourt begins summons Tera shared rose up from the ground began absorb him in couple of second and broke into pieces to reveal terastallzied bellspourt with grass type tera shard crown on top of his head.

They then pulled out pokeball in the hands began toss it in the air to call out their pokemon.

Nami: "come out, shuppet!"

Shuu: "let go, elekid!"

They come out their pokeball to outside courtyard having one against two pokemon battle with eren and petra exited the building to courtyard just in time to see pokemon battle.

Nami: "use dark pulse!"

Shuu: "electro ball!'

Their attacks toward terastallzied bellspourt together begin combined into elemental fusion attack, dark electro pulse ball with direct hit in the face is super effective cause medium size explosions with little bit huge gust of wind with their eyes covered their forearms.

Mikasa: "did their attacks combined together into one."

Scout #1: "I believe so mikasa."

When explosion and gust of wind faded away to reveal fainted normal bellspourt laying on the ground within his back for everyone uncover their eyes to see fainted bellspourt for shuu pull out great ball in right hand begins throwing toward fainted bellspourt begins started captured him with red beam went inside ball who falling down on the ground begins lock him up after that

Petra: "that was amazing I ever saw."

Eren: "you said it babe."

They walk up to them and nami who noticed them with a smile to said, "did you two enjoyed pokemon battle for first time." Petra replied, "yup, it was incredible. We can hope another wild tera pokemon somewhere in trost district maybe tomorrow." Shuu replied, "of course."


He felt cold chill in his spine become scared when he turned right to see aoi kitahara from middle school who standing behind the portal and he said to him in panic, "what are you doing at section 44, aoi?" He replied, "I joined up as wild tera pokemon catcher just liked you, senpai." His jaw drop to the floor about hearing from his sister classmate at middle school join section 44 as wild tera pokemon catcher like him then nami said to him in kindness, "welcome to section 44, little dude. I hope shuu help you out to learn the ropes about pokemon weaknesses in terastallzied form. Right shuu, umm shuu." They look at shuu with scared look and got paled skin like a ghost about helping out aoi as new wild tera pokemon catcher amd pass out on the ground.

Scout#2: "uh-oh, he passed out."

Scout #1: "you said it buddy, I'll get bucket of water at the well to wake him up."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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