Friday night plan with sunset

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It's nighttime at 9:31 pm in paldea region Rainbow dash & sunset shimmer residence

Inside light up master bedroom with rainbow dash laying left side of bed reading a comic called 'adventures of danger lupbunny' while wearing  blue sleeveless sleeping shirt to expose muscular arms when sunset turned off bathroom room lights to exit bathroom toward the bed as she wearing red lacy bra to expose slim perfect body and pink sleeping short shorts enter the bed to get in the covers left next to her girlfriend who closed the comic book and place it on nightstand and she look at sunset with a smile as she says to rainbow, "this Friday night, let's have our 1st date at jade palace garden at levinica city in east province."

Rainbow: "sure, babe. We got lot of time to explore area one & three in West province taking pictures of every type of pokemon including city called cascarrafa."

Sunset: "sounds good to me."

Rainbow couldn't staring at her girlfriend's beautiful d-cup breasts inside the bra for a second and look up at sunset with erotic smile when rainbow move closer to middle and sunset climb on rainbow stomach begins unhooked her bra from behind to let her breasts bounce freely in their prison make rainbow dash very happy and thought to herself, "happy birthday to me, alright."

Meanwhile at pinkie pie's universe on Monday April 21st, 2014 at 9:36 pm: pie's residence- pinkie pie bedroom

With pinkie pie doing push up at left side of bed facing towards her bedroom door while she wearing pink sport bra to expose muscular midriff with 6 pack abs, blue gym shorts in neon yellow stripes in both sides, and work out shoes. Her hair into medium hair bun. She counting down by thirty, "30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36." Just then limestone pie and Maud pie enter her bedroom to see their sister doing push ups as limestone pie say to pinkie with sly grin, "don't get to buff like Serena Yvonne and adrimal dawn cerise, sis." Pinkie replied, "I won't limestone." After that she got done with her pushed up and getting up on the floor with her feet. She got sweats all over her face until she grab the white towel from end of bed start wipe off the sweats.

Maud: "pinkie, are you tell your friends about you joined section 44 as wild tera pokemon catcher."

Pinkie: "no Maud, they never find out about me as section 44 serect agent and wild tera pokemon catcher since I joined section 44 during freshmen year in this universe except for you two, mom, dad, marble pie, principal celestia, vice principal Luna, the cakes, and carrot top who joined section 20 like I did as part time pokemon storage staff and part time wild tera pokemon catcher."

Limestone: "damn right, sis."

Maud: "okay than."

[New chapter is out for today]

sunsetdash chronicles Vol. 1:  new life at paldea regionWhere stories live. Discover now