shocking discovery

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Canterlot city park 12:14 pm

Officer brushed jade and her partner in winter coats at city pond in left side with female city park ranger and her gogoat, and brushed said to her in kindness, "what kind of emergency is it ma'am?" Moonlight open the notepad to first pen with pen begin writing information with park ranger begins to speak with scared expression, "we saw something walking from the distance in the park." Brushed answer her question, "a bear or coyote walking stroll through park from the wilderness?"  She then replied back, "well you guys think I'm crazy what we saw. It's look like my gogoat right here but bigger like Triceratop with two horns in the forehead and orange spike on middle back through the end of tail." Brushed started gasped of horror what she talking about now it's gogoat past paradox form ramming horns inside the book that she read and she said to them, "you two saw your gogoat past paradox form, ramming horn from area zero."

Park ranger: "really how do you about that?"

Moonlight: "she read a book about information of area zero inside crater of this paldea region place since three days ago."

Park ranger: "oh."

Brushed: "anyway, does ramming horns looking at you two or walking along."

Park ranger: "walking while pass by yellow glowing crystal sized a Boulder in 2¼ feet away."

She lift one brow up with suspicious look to said at her, "yellow glowing crystal you say?" She replied, "yup I never seen that crystal before since two weeks ago and I think there more of them somewhere in the park or in the city."

Moonlight: "really, we should tell our boss about it when back to HQ."

Brushed: "thank you for telling us about it, ma'am."

Park ranger: "anytime."

At canterlot high school library with ms. Cheerilee sitting in her desk reading  violet book on top of the desk make her amusing about the great Carter of  paldea region place that she want to go there someday when she flip the page to next chapter that caught her in shocked to see next chapter of iron bastion is born.

She then started to read, "it somewhat resembles description from an old scientific paper outlining precipitation of a vehicle designs in the far future

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She then started to read, "it somewhat resembles description from an old scientific paper outlining precipitation of a vehicle designs in the far future. Despite its heavy shell, it's wheel-like feet allow it to move around with surprising speed." She's very surprised about the information of iron bastion bit and continue reading next chapter to end of the book.

[New chapter is out for today]

sunsetdash chronicles Vol. 1:  new life at paldea regionWhere stories live. Discover now