morning unexpected surprise

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Next morning on bright day at canterlot city during 7:00 am, everyone inside the school preparing theirs things for things especially pinkie getting some books from her locker for 1st period while wearing blue loose shirt with blue stripes in the middle, camo shorts with brown leather belt around beltloop, and sneakers.

"Good morning darling."

She then closed her locker to turned around to her friends approach her and fluttershy say to pinkie in kindness, "we're getting new student will be joined us at Ms. Cheerilee in first period." Pinkie said to them in calm way, "that's cool." Her friends shocked to hearing 'cool' from pinkie pie mouth in calm not excitement about meeting new students in chs, when rainbow dash said to her in confused, "what gives pink? You very excited to meet new students who move here from different cities and become friends after that."

Rarity: "indeed darling, you pull out cupcake from your poofy hair to new student without hair on it."

Fluttershy: "you skipped sometimes with squeaky sound while hitting the floor."

Sunset: "you say okie dokie lokie every day, but."

Sci twi: "you change bit since 3 yrs ago."

Pinkie: "you know it girls."

Rainbow: "you working out a lot at iron will fitness center in every Saturday."

Pinkie: "stay in shape, dude."


They turned their heads to the left and look down to see puppy pokemon, fidough when pinkie pie pull out her rotom phone to scan him in a second and information about with rotom phone begins explain them with professor oak, "fidough, puppy pokemon, and fairy type: the yeast in fidough's breath is useful for cooking, so this pokemon has been protected by people since long ago." After that she turned around started walking towards cafeteria to eat some breakfast and high five to lyra heartstrings, bon-bon, and cherry crash long the way make her friends very worried about pinkie change.

Meanwhile back at equestria girls alternative universe 3

Rarity and sweetie belle enter the school main lobby heading to cafeteria for breakfast until rarity stop for a minute started rubbing her right side of head with two fingers make sweetie belle stop to look at her sister and said, "something wrong sis? It's same huge headache that you had again back at home."

Rarity: "I believe so darling."

Sweetie belle: "you should go nurse office first before heading to cafeteria with our friends."

Then suddenly an magical orange portal show up in middle of hallway front of them at four feet away that spooked the sisters bit when begins open up to reveal Jedi temple Northeast corridor from aot original universe with Jedi temple guard walk through the portal to hallway with them and begins to speak with them in coldy, "come with me because there people want to see you at their council room." Rarity replied, "um sure, what about my sister then." He replied in little anger"she remain here continue heading to cafeteria meeting her friends. Don't tell her friends and your friends about I'm taking your sister to meet some people, got it or else." Sweetie belle gulped her throat in fear about temple guard statement and said, "crystal sir." Rarity joined Jedi temple guard walk through the portal to corridor heading high council chambers, after that the portal closed with sweetie belle continue walking towards the cafeteria to meet her friends and rarity's friends but she tell them with a lie likes she at nurse office for nurse redheart give her headache machine with her headache.

Back with rarity who look surprise to see beautiful and fancy structure building from inside it filled with people in Jedi clothes walking around including she walk by a room with children in Jedi pawadan clothes doing meditation while sitting in a floor and being watched by Jedi master aliquis from pokemon universe 5: paldean winds edition and they continue walking towards council chambers so the Jedi masters meet rarity belle for first time.

[New chapter is out for today]

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