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I was sitting in my bedroom by my chaise longue by the window, reading a book.

It has being a year since I woke up from my coma to discover that I was in my 18-year-old body again and it sometimes still hurts.

After an accident on a mission, I was hurt badly and to save my life, my dad, Regnar, put me in my younger body and then put me in a coma, so my powers could reload somehow.

You see my powers are really powerful and I think if I could I could end the world which is also why my dad experimented on me more than he did with my siblings.

You see I was born together with 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual in the fact that none of these woman had been pregnant when the day first began.

The eccentric billionaire Sir Regnar Hargreeves adopted as many of the children as possible. He ended up getting nine of them and called us The Sparrow Academy, I was one of those kids. We all had speciel powers. Each of my siblings have abilities. Abilities that young children dream of when they watch the superhero movies.

I was not proud of being one of the members. The Sparrow Academy was my family but never home. Home makes me feel safe, but in that place, I never felt that.

Some would say we're lucky, we have a gift that most people would kill for. But I didn't feel lucky and neither did my siblings, well expect for a few. From the day we learned how to walk, we were trained to be crime stopping heroes. Saving the day like any other superhero, how much I hated those days and the ones that came after them.

Instead of raising us as a single father, giving them a loving and caring home, he created an Academy.

We all lived in a huge Academy, I hated living in that big Academy but I'm glad I wasn't alone, I lived with my siblings or my adopted siblings, since none of us is related by blood. But we see each other as family, and I would not call my family normal.

But our dad was the worst dad ever. He never took care of me or my siblings or loved us. We were taking care of by a robot woman Mary who we called mom.

He adopted us yeah, but instead of treating us as his children, he treated us like we were lab rats on his little experiment. My father emotionally abused me and my siblings. He only had us because of our abilities. Instead of giving us name, he called us by numbers. He let our robot mother name us.

I deemed Regnar our father. He was a cold and selfish, rigid and bold but most importantly, he never showed us love. His caring towards us could be described as training us, but it never felt as if he wanted what was best for us.

Well, we were trained to save the world. We became the finest crime fighting forces in the city. We became quite famous. But no one knew what was really going on inside the Academy. We were training no-stop. Only 40 minutes break and then back to training. My dad was very desperat in training us. He wanted us to become better than The Umbrella Academy who was our archenemy and rivals. They were also a group of people with superpowers.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now