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I was walking down the street when suddenly I noticed that someone was following me and I turned my head a little bit to see that it was a man dress in black.

My guts were telling me that this was not a friend, so I just kept walking but then suddenly I saw a tall man with muscles was standing farther ahead of me which cause me to turn so I was walking down the alley.

But suddenly I saw three more people standing in front of me which cause me to stop and I turned to see the two people in front of me were blocking my way.

I glanced at each of those people. There was a tall man with muscles, a woman who had short black curly hair, another man with short black hair man and a scar by his right side, who was carrying a lot of knives on his belt. A man who dressed like he was from the 70's and lastly a short man with short hair.

"Hello, Miss Hargreeves" the man with the knifes said, his tone was low and clam. But his attitude kinda reminded me of Five's when I first met him.

"Who are you guys?" I asked "We are not here to hurt you, we just want to talk" the curly woman said and I narrowed my eyes at them "You are The Umbrella Academy" I said and they nodded "Smart, just like Five said you were" the man with the knives said "Are you always like this, Love?" he asked "What are you doing in our territory" I said, trying not to sound scared even so a part of me was.   

I knew that I gotta be careful around them, I didn't knew what their powers was. But they were just as strong as my family. But I'm also powerful but since I don't know what kind of powers they have, I might not have a chance against them. 

 "The starting to believe you're scared of us. Am I right?" the man with the knives smiled.

"Diego stop your scaring her" the short man said "Diego, so he has a name" I replied with sarcasm tone "I know who you all are, but you better tell me your guys name or I will kill you all with snap of my finger" I said.

"Diego, number Two" the guy with the knifes said "I'm Luther, Number one" the big muscles guy said "I'm Viktor. Number Seven" the short man introduced himself.

"Klaus, Number Four. The best and most handsome of them of course" the last guy said "I'm Allison, Number Three" the curly woman said.

I narrowed my eyes at Allison I could actually recognize her, she was a movie star. "Ahh, I knew I have seeing you before, you are the actress, I have seeing you in some movies, if I gotta admit, I have seeing better" I said which 'cause Allison to scoff.

"Great, now that I know your names. Where's Five?" I asked "Well, he is okay. So don't worry" Viktor said "Viktor stop playing with the enemy" Diego said annoyed "I'm not. I'm just trying to calm her down since it was your idea to just show up like that" Viktor said "Alright what do you guys want from me?" I asked.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now